
Chapter 4

I spent the entire Sunday finishing my make up work. By the time I was done with it all, it was already 9:21 pm.

Leaning back against my chair, I stretched and yawned. I walked over to my suitcase, my school uniform was already in there.

There were two versions of the uniform in there, there was the girl uniform with pants and one with a skirt.

Walking over to my closet, I grabbed a pair of boot sneakers I bought from yesterday's shopping trip. I also grabbed 3 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, underwear, and socks.

Zipping up the suitcases' main zipper, I opened the smaller ones, there were a Kindle and charger in one. I grabbed them and plugged them in.

There was also a phone in another small zipper, I grabbed that and dug around my room to find another charger. There was one inside the nightstand. I plugged it in and left it there to charge.

I went into the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth. After doing what I needed to do in the bathroom, I crawled into bed, deciding not to read today. I snuggled deeper into my blankets and fell asleep within a few minutes.

Right before someone jumped on top of me I woke up, grunting, I peered at the person on top of me.

Sam poked my cheek, "Aren't you always up earlier than me? Why are you still sleeping?"

Swatting her hand away from my cheek, I sighed, "I forgot to set the alarm." I looked at the alarm clock, 5:30 am, ugh, so early in the morning.

She rolled off of me, "Okay." She turned around and stared at me then asked, "Can you please make eggs for me again?"

I nodded, "Sure, just let me change first." I rolled out of bed and stumbled into the closet, I grabbed the school uniform that was hung up for me to wear. Pulling off my clothes, I slipped into the school uniform and walked out of the closet, running my hands through my hair to tame it because I was too lazy to brush it.

Walking out of my room, I went to the kitchen. I grabbed the stuff I needed and started making the eggs. Almost ten minutes later, I slid the eggs onto the plates and put the dirty dishes into the sink.

Grabbing the plates, I walked into the dining room and placed one plate in front of my sister.

She smiled, "Thanks." She ate a mouth full of food, saying, "I forgot to ask yesterday, but when did you learn to make eggs? I don't think I've ever seen you make food before."

My mind went blank at the mention of making food, Alice had no memories of it, I cleared my throat, "Well, uhh." I thought about the note Mrs.Dalton wrote, "Well, I looked at the recipe for making breakfasts. I learned it from there."

Lie lie, I'm telling a lie, I learned it while I was living alone. I thought everyone knew how to make eggs guess I was wrong.

She looked surprised, "Wow, you made edible eggs on your first try. Good job."


After we finished our food, brushed our teeth, and grabbed whatever else we needed, a driver came and dropped us off at school.

It took about one hour or so to get there. I grabbed my bag, our driver, his name was Nathan, raised an eyebrow, "Miss, do you want me to take that?"

Shaking my head, I smiled at him, "No thanks, I can manage it, you already have to take Sam's."

He smiled, "Alright, Miss, if you insist."

When we got to Sam's dorm, I parted ways with them and made my way to my dorm.

The dorms here were kind of like small apartment complexes, the dorm buildings housed both boys and girls, but they had to stay in their own rooms for obvious reasons, but of course, that rule was always being broken. Each of the buildings had a name. The one Sam was in was called Alastair Hall, and the one I was in was called Astor Hall. There were ten in all, Alastair, Astor, Caswell, Bridgham, Livingston, Huntington, and there were more that I/Alice could not remember.

Each dorm contained one person, two if you wanted. The max amount of people per dorm was four people. But that costs more than the one-person dorms because they were two times bigger.

There was one room in each one of the dorm buildings no one wanted to live in for some reason, the attic. That is where I/Alice was housed, it wasn't bad at all according to her. You couldn't hear people walking above you or people playing music, ahem, other things I shall not mention.

When I dragged my suitcase up to the attic, I opened the door to it and put my suitcase down. I sighed, every day will be leg day from now on I guess. It is a good thing, this body needs more exercise.

Taking my phone out of the suitcase, I looked at the time, I still had a little less than an hour before class.

Walking around the room, I sat down on the desk that was right in front of a window, tons of memories flashed through my mind while I sat in this room.

Memories of Alice doing homework, studying, reading, writing, this dorm was like a second home to her it seems.

Taking out the clothes from the suitcase, I walked over to her drawers, opening them, I saw there weren't many clothes in there. It was all uniforms, underwear, socks, and some t-shirts and pants, those looked like pajamas. How was this girl related to Sam?

I put the clothes I brought with me into the drawers, according to how she had placed them.

Looking at the clock on the wall, I noticed there were twenty minutes until class. I had no idea what class periods she had. I thought about it for a second before the list of her classes popped into my head.

1st period: Physical Education (this was because she didn't know what else to choose)

2nd period: Calculus

10 Minute Break

3rd period: Biochemistry

4th period: History


5th period: Advanced Literature

6th period: French

Huh, nice list. Biochemistry, the same thing as me. This schedule shouldn't be that hard, I had all her memories after all.

I glanced at the clock again, oh crap, I only had ten minutes left before class, I needed to get to the first period and it was a ten-minute walk away, I barely have any time to get there. I grabbed my backpack with my textbooks in it and rushed out of the dorm and to the first period. Willing myself not to be late.