
Chapter 6

The hairs on the back of my neck lifted as I felt that stare full of hatred bore into the back of my head.

Raising my head, I slowly looked up and turned around, meeting the hateful glare of one of my bullies, Aric. Keeping my face straight, I lifted my hand and folded down all my fingers except for my middle finger and waved it at him.

A small muscle on his face ticked, his eyes filled with anger. I smirked and went back to eating my food, ignoring the death glare aimed my way.

I hope no one else would bother me today, but sadly I was wrong. While walking to my 5th-period class, I felt something get taped onto my backpack and swung it over to my chest. I heard a few girls giggling behind me.

The piece of paper had the word loser scribbled on it in feminine handwriting.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw that there was a smirk on the blond girl's face. She was very pleased with herself and looked over to, who I assumed was the leader of their group or something, for approval. It was sort of like the way a dog would look at his or her master after it did a small trick and wanted a treat as a reward. I rolled my eyes.

Walking over to them, smiling, pressing the piece of paper onto her chest a little too hard and stuck it to her chest, "I think this belongs to you," pointing to the word on the piece of paper, "Look, it even has your name on it."

She didn't say anything. She only gave me an annoyed look before turning towards the other girl and whispering in her ear while staring at me.

Rolling my eyes at them, I quickly walked to my next class. Girls like that are so fake, pretty on the outside, disgusting on the inside.

Why are they like that? I don't know. Maybe because they're pretty and rich or whatever.

Sliding into my seat and taking out my books, I placed them on my desk, and focused on the teacher, after this class was French, my last period of the day.

The rest of the day flew by and before I knew it, the last bell of the day rang through the halls and classrooms.

Walking back to my dorm room, the first thing I did was finish my homework just to get that out of the way.

As if a reflex, I sat down at the desk, took out my notebook, and started writing another story.

Words and ideas poured out of my head and flew onto the paper, and before I knew it, I had filled many pages of the notebook.

Logging into my account, I typed everything I had previously written into the notebook and published it. Stretching and yawning, I got out of the chair and decided to go for a walk. I needed some fresh air anyway.

Grabbing my hoodie, phone, earphones, walking to the door, I jammed my feet into my shoes. I went down the stairs two at a time and didn't see where I was going and bumped into someone, making that said someone stumbled a little.

She dropped her books and squeaked, scrambling for them. Reaching down, I helped her pick up her books, "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking."

She blushed, "I-it's fine, it was an a-an accident, happens all the time," wiping her hand on her jeans, she stuck one out at me, "I-I'm new h-here, m-my name is Sue."

Aw, she had a little stutter, how cute, "Oh nice, I'm Alice. Nice to meet you, Sue."

Sue pulled her hand back, her face still a little red, "Y-y-yeah, nice to m-meet you too."

I smiled, "Okay, well, I'm going to go on a walk, see you later. Bye, have a nice day."

The girl nodded, "O-okay, bye, I hope y-you have an n-nice day, too," and scrambled away.

She reminded me of a deer, with her big doe eyes, brown-shiny hair, and long slender legs and arms. Sue also seemed timid, in a cute, sweet, innocent way.

After taking a short 30-minute walk, I decided to go to the coffee shop near the dorms to buy a drink.

On the way back, I hadn't been watching where I was going and slammed into someone's chest. Ow, my nose. Caused by the impact of the said chest, my tea has sloshed all over the guy's chest and some had gone onto the pavement, whoops.

"Sorry about that, didn't see where I was walking." I looked up at the dude, hmm, he looked a little familiar for some reason.

He shrugged, "It's fine."

I handed him some tissues.

Taking the wad of tissues from my hand, he muttered "Thanks," while dabbing at the mess on his shirt.

Leaning down, I scooped the ice cubes into my hand and threw them into the nearby trash can. The guy who I'd splashed my drink on leaned down and started helping me pick up the ice cubes.

"You don't have to help me, I'm the one who caused you trouble," I muttered.

He shrugged again, "Two people are faster than one."

He's got a point there.

When we finished picking up the ice, I asked, "What's your name?"


"Sorry for the mess, and thank you for your help, Rowan, and nice to meet you. I'm Alice."

Rowan nodded, "No problem. Nice to meet you too, Alice"

The silence lapped into awkwardness, so I awkwardly waved, "Welp, see you around, I guess."

Before I could leave, he grabbed my arm, then immediately let go, "Sorry, but can I have your number?"

"Um, sure," grabbing my phone from my pocket, I typed in the password and handed it to him, "here."

There was a ping sound from his pocket, Rowan handed my phone back to me, "See ya," and with that, he walked away.

Looking down at my phone and hands, I groaned, ewww, they were all sticky now, gross. Sigh, I guess I'll have to clean both when I go back to the dorm.

After I had washed my hands and phone, I went back to my dorm.

Walking into my dorm, I flopped onto the bed. Welp, I'm bored again.

I got off the bed after a few minutes of doing nothing but staring at the ceiling and did a few stretches.

When I finished the stretches, I did a swing kick, then did another on the other leg. Oh, my hip made popping noises. Ugh, man that felt weird.

Doing a few more kicks, I had a feeling this body needed more muscles, a lot more. Oh boy, there is a lot of work cut out for me.

Going over to my computer, I sat down and downloaded a few books, and read for a while.

I grabbed my clothes and went to the small building that had bathrooms and showers. There was one connected to every group of dorms.

After showering, brushing my teeth, and going to the toilet, I headed back to my dorm and went to sleep.

The question popped in my head, why did Rowan look so familiar?

Before I could think more about it, my mind decided to turn off and make me fall asleep. I went out like a light.