
I shoved my palm against his chest, effectively moving him a few inches away from me, "What?"

He stared at me dead in the eye and confessed softly, "I like you."

...da faq? Excuse my French, but what the f#ck did he just say? Did he hit his head or something? This guy does realize he bullied Alice hundreds of times to the extent that she sometimes cried, right? That he has literally done nothing nice for her? Is this a joke? I expected him to burst out laughing and say it was a joke or something.

With all these thoughts running through my head, I asked, "Did you hit your head by any chance?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, mumbling, "No, I just really like you for some reason."

Huffing, I rolled my eyes, "You have a really strange way of showing it."

Aric opened his mouth to say something else, but I put my hand up to stop him, "Nope, I will pretend this never happened and walk away so I can go eat with my sister. Have a nice day."

With that, I turned on my heel and hurried into the cafeteria, and slid into the seat next to my sister.

She turned towards me, her eyes roaming over my face, "Hey, did something happen?"

I shrugged, "Nope, nothing happened." Better not tell anyone in case this was actually a joke, or he denies he said that.

She stared at me for a hot second, with narrowed eyes, "Hmm, okay. If you say so."

Nodding, I asked, "Yep, how was your day?"

Sam smiled brightly, "It's been going nicely."

"That's great."

Then her friends pulled her into their conversation and I ate my food.

As for the rest of the day, no other weird stuff happened.

The next day, Aric walked up to me on my morning walk I had, sadly, decided to take.

"Hey there, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He said with a wink.

Staring at him, I asked, "Did you just call me Satan?"

He sighed, "That was cheesy anyway."

"Gee, ya think?"

He shrugged, "Couldn't think of anything else to say to you."

"You could have just said hi."

"Oh, right. Hi."


Awkwardness welcome to the chat, jk you were already there.

The awkwardness was really getting to me, "Okay, see ya. I need to get back to my dorm and stuff."

"Wait, can I have your number?"

"Umm, no, sorry, bye," I turned and ran away from him. Rude but had to be done, I wasn't in the mood for a conversation with a guy who bullied Alice with grade school crap. I would have been asking for a migraine if I did.

Once I was far enough away from him, I decided to collect my thoughts. This dude is so weird, he hated and I mean HATED Alice, but suddenly, he likes her now? Is he bipolar or something?

I wonder what the real Alice would think of this? Sigh, guess I'll never know. I feel bad for taking over her life while not knowing what happened to her. For all I know, she might be in my body or something. What a travesty that would be, the poor girl a downgrade for sure if that was indeed what happened.

Anyway, back to making myself feel bad about something I couldn't control. There was also the fact that the people who love and cared about her don't know she's not here anymore and instead, in her place was an imposter. It was stabbing at my conscience.

But what could I do about it? It's not like I could somehow find Alice and shove her back into this body. Ugh, I will live with this until I could find out a way to undo this, or maybe when this wears off and I'll magically wake up in my bed or something.

Okay, enough with the pity party, back to reality. Crap, what time was it? I fumbled with my phone. Yikes, I only have twenty minutes left!

Running as fast as I could, I got to my dorm in less than five minutes. Gasping for air, I threw off my clothes, jumped into the appropriate ones, and burst out the door again.

As I ran past Sue I waved at her, she smiled and waved back, just as I ran out the door and headed to the gym.

By the time I got there, I only had four minutes to spare. Twisting the lock to dial in the correct numbers, I pulled out the clothes, pulled off the clothes I was wearing, and yanked on my gym clothes. Rushing into the gym, I made it without being late.

Hours later, I managed to not run into Aric, and at lunch, Sam asked me to go shopping after school with her. I agreed to go with her.

After classes were over, I ran into Sue, "Oh hey."

She smiled shyly, "Hi."

I asked her, "My sister and I are going on a shopping trip, want to come with?"

Sue stuttered, "U-um, sure i-if that's okay w-with you both, I'd love t-to come."

"Great, meet me at my dorm room in fifteen minutes. It's the attic. See ya later."


Walking up the stairs and into my dorm room, I set my backpack down and hurried to get ready for the shopping trip.

Fifteen minutes later, Sue met me at my dorm, "H-hi, I'm here."

"Alright, let's go. My sister is waiting at her dorm room."

Sue nodded and we headed in the direction of my sister's dorm quarters. It was roughly a 10-minute walk to get there.

When Sue and I got there, Sam opened the door, "Hey Alice." She paused for a second, "Oh, who are you?"

"I-I'm Sue. N-nice to meet y-you." She smiled awkwardly.

Sam grinned at me, "I see you've made a friend." She turned to Sue, "Nice to meet you too, I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam."

Sue blushed, "O-okay."

After we finished with the introductions, we walked to the school gates and met Nathan, "Hello, Miss Sam, Miss Alice, and the Miss's friend."

I smiled at him, "Hi Nathan. This is Sue, she's my friend."

Sue waved, "Hi."

Nathan smiled at her, "Hello, Miss Sue. Now, let me get you, ladies, to the mall."

And with that, Nathan drove us to the mall.