
When I arrived back home, my brothers ran out the front door and crushed me in a bear hug, telling me how much they missed me. Until they remembered I had just gotten back from the hospital, Jesse patted his hands around me as if to check if I was still in one piece, "Whoops, sorry, are you okay, did we squeeze you too hard?"

I smiled at them, "No, it's fine, I'm not hurt and I missed you guys too."

Alec gently ruffled my hair, "Alice, I'm glad you're back and well now." He pulled me into a side hug.

Right when he let me go, Mom immediately pulled me into her arms, "Sweetie, please be more careful with your health. My heart won't be able to go through another scare like that."

With my face squished against her chest and arm, I mumbled, "Okay, mom. I'll be more careful from now on, I promise."

She pulled away and smiled gently, "Good, now let's hurry and head inside." She turned me around and steered me towards our home.

For the entirety of the week I stayed home to rest, everyone treated me as if I was made of glass. Or should I say 'as if I was made of porcelain', get it? Cause Alice has skin that looks pale and smooth? No? Okay, I'll stop.

When Dad found me doing stretches in my room. He picked me up and tucked me back into my bed, saying I might over-exert myself.

Honestly, I can't wait to go back to school. I could at least walk by MYSELF there, instead of always having someone carry me down the stairs and around the house. This was getting a little annoying, but I was glad Alice had a family that cared for her, so I bared with it till the very end.

"Yessss, I'm finally freeee," I said while flopping down onto the bed in my dorm room. Rolling onto my back, I stared at the ceiling.

Now what? I guess I could go visit Sue, but I don't know where her dorm room is and I couldn't text her because I fainted before I could ask. Welp, guess I'll ask when I run into her in the hallway again or something.

Uhhhggggg, I'm sooo bored. I guess I'll just take a short nap or something.

Rolling onto my stomach, within a few minutes, I was in a deep sleep. Until I heard someone calling my name.

"-ston, hey, Winstonnn." The familiar voice kept on calling me.

Groaning, I groused, "What? What is it? What do you want?" Peeling my eyes open, I stared up at Luna's beautiful face, slightly dazed, I muttered, "Oh, it's you."

Then it hit me, I was looking at Luna's beautiful face! Shooting upright, I gasped, "Oh my god, it's you! Why are you here? Am I puking up blood right now?"

If I had to take the bloody sheets to the laundry room, it would look like I murdered someone and tried to clean up the crime scene. Either that or it would look like my period stained the sheets making them look like the Japanese flag.

She shook her head, "No, not this time, I'm only pulling you in here for a short while. So there is no need for me to make you puke up blood this time."

"Oh, okay. So, what did you need to tell me?"

Luna sighed, and fiddled with a strand of her long silky hair, "My boss, the all-powerful being in charge of reincarnation, has issued an order to allow any and every reincarnated person to save themselves in one and only one life-threatening circumstance to be able to prolong their life. Well, second life."

I nodded, "But how exactly will we be able to save ourselves if we don't know there is danger?"

Waving her arm around, a purple-colored bag appeared in Luna's hand, pulling it open, she pulled out two small, jingling bells, "This is how you will know. These bells will glow when you're in danger and only you will be able to see the glow. Then you crush them if you want to be saved, just grab them and clench your fist around them."

She moved closer to me, "Do you want to wear them as a choker, bracelet, necklace, anklet, or earrings?"

"Bracelet, please." It'll be easier to see it that way.

"Alright, give me your hand so I can put it on for you." She held out her hand.

When I placed my hand in her's, she clasped the bells onto my wrist, "There you go. Oh well, look at the time, I've lingered here for far too long."

Patting my shoulder, she smiled, "I hope you won't need to crush these bells. This is farewell, I hope I won't need to see you again. Goodbye~"

"Bye, ow!" She flicked my forehead and everything went blank.

"Gah! I'm back!" Gasping a little, I grunted, I will never get used to that. Well, I guess I won't need to get used to it since I'll probably never see her again.

Rolling over (yet again), I stared at the bells. They were tiny but shiny, the soft tinkling sounded like wind chimes.

Getting off the bed, I walked over to the mini-fridge in my dorm room and grabbed some blueberry yogurt.

Ugh, I'm so bored, I had finished all the makeup work I had to do for missing school. Then I remembered Alice had asked me to finish submitting her stories.

I slid onto my chair as quickly as I could and turned on my computer. Finally, I had something to do! Logging into the computer, I clicked into the website and started typing.

A few hours later, my stomach growled just as I finished the last story Alice had planned. Phew, time to eat, I pressed the submit button and selected the time it will be launched.

Walking over to the cabinet next to the mini-fridge, I grabbed some ramen and poured hot water from the water boiler into it.

Soon after eating my spicy ramen, I started feeling sleepy. Guess that was my cue to take a shower and head to bed. Grabbing my clothes, I hurried to the bathing area.

After bathing and brushing my teeth, I hurried to bed, just to find Sam had texted me.

Sam: are u asleep yet? If not, get to sleep.

Me: ok ok, good night

Sam: sweet dreams, sis

Me: u too

Sam was so sweet, I could tell she really cared about her little sister.

Sliding under the sheets, I clicked off the lamp and stared at the bells on my wrist. I wonder if I'll actually have to use this.

Whatever, if I do ever have to use it I will. There is nothing for me to worry about right now and with that parting thought, I slowly drifted off.