
Groaning, I opened my eyes. What the hell was on my chest? Rubbing my eyes, I looked down and almost jumped out of my skin.

Were my crusty and tired eyes deceiving me? If not then why the fuk was a cat sitting on my chest?

I sat up and the cat clutched onto me, hissing at me, and pawing at me, trying to scratch my face off. A piece of white paper with black a few black splotches was clipped to its collar. When I reached for it, the cat immediately started to calm down.

Unfolding it, I started to read the contents:

Dear Alice

Hello, hello, it's me, Luna. This is my little present to you, his name is Loki. I named him this because he is a mischievous little cat who spilled ink on this paper while I was writing on it.

This cat was sent to you with the task of protecting you. Yes, you have the bells, but that is a one-time thing. You need to live past the age of 35 or else I'll get yelled at by my boss. So try to stay alive, because you are in a new body, in a new dimension, misfortunes and weird things will happen to you because your soul does not belong there and it needs a little time to get used to the new setting.

Although, if you're lucky, misfortunes won't happen to you. But that is rarely the case, only a few can live regular lives after migrating into their new body, so I sent Loki. Just in case you need him.

He is a little rascal but he will bring you luck, just think of the little furball as a cute good luck charm or something of that sort. All you need to do to take care of him is feed him at least twice a day and give him water, so stalk up on kitty food. He can live longer than the average house cat, so don't be alarmed if he lives longer than the expected sixteen years. One last thing, he can talk, well, it's more like you can understand him but everyone else would just hear: meow meow meow. But to you, he might be saying: I'm hungry. Feed me.

In conclusion to this very long letter, I wish you a long enough life,


Putting down the letter, I looked at Loki who was sitting on my nightstand and licking his paws. As if feeling my eyes on him, he paused mid lick and peered down at me from where he was perched with those unsettling glowing green eyes of his.

"What?" He rolled his green eyes looking annoyed, "You never seen a cat lick their paws? Quit staring and go back to sleep so you can get up early and get me food."

Jumping onto my bed, he curled up at the foot of the bed, peeking at me with one eye, he muttered, "Good night, human."

I stared at him in shock. Luna had informed me in her letter that Loki could 'talk' but it was still surprising to hear words come out of a cat's mouth instead of meows. Shaking my head, I pulled the covers up to my neck again.

Ignore the talking cat, ignore the talking cat, I will deal with him tomorrow unless he disappears in the morning. Which was probably much more possible than the cat being real and not a fragment of my imagination.

Then again I did get reincarnated into a girl and am currently living in another dimension because I died and the old owner of this body gave it up for a new soul to inhabit. Plus, I got a letter from Luna which basically proves this is real. So the sooner I accept that there is a slightly magical cat sleeping at the foot of my bed the better.

Snuggling into my sheets, I yawned. Back to sleep I go, a much-needed sleep. I relaxed even more and lulled into a peaceful sleep.

Ugh, what is on my chest, and what is hitting my face over and over again?

The smacking stopped for a few seconds and suddenly, there was an impact against my chest, "Ooof," I groaned in pain, "Wtf?" I muttered while unwillingly cracking open my eyes to find a black cat growling at me.

"HOOOMAN! WAKE UP! I WANT MY FOOOD!" It hissed at me, "NOW!"

Jumping out of the bed and away from the crazy-looking cat, I held up my hands, "Okay, okay, just wait you damn ca- OMG there's a talking cat in my bed!"

Panicking, I looked around the room trying to figure out how it had gotten into my room. In the middle of my panic, the cat launched itself at me, digging its claws into my arm.

"Ow!" the pain making all the fogginess from waking up go away I remembered last night. Luna. Letter. Loki. Luck. Talking cat. Oh...so that's what happened.

Looking down at Loki who still had his claws embedded into the skin of my arm, I sighed and grimaced in pain, "Loki let go of me so I can change and go buy food for you."

Narrowing his eyes, he reluctantly pulled his claws out of my skin and dropped to the floor landing gracefully on his paws, "Take me with you."

"Alright, let me change and go to the bathroom then we can get going. Oh yeah, and I'm going to have to disinfect and put a few bandaids on my arm because of you. Great." I glared at him.

Padding over to my desk, I dug around until I found a few alcohol pads and three big bandages. Then I reached over and grabbed a pad and looked at the time. There are two hours left until class starts, I hope I can make it.

Quickly changing, I grabbed my toiletries and headed to the bathroom with a sulking black cat in tow.

Throughout the entire time I was brushing my teeth, Loki was whining and groaning about how hungry he was, "Girl, can you hurry up? I need my food NOW."

"Okay, just give me a minute you annoying cat," I said through a mouth full of toothpaste.

After spitting it out and gurgling some water, I went back to my dorm to put my stuff back in my room and to grab some money.

Loki sighed and muttered, "Finally, I thought I'd die of hunger before you finished."

"Yeah, sorry, now let's go get you your food. We'll get the other stuff after school."

"Fine by me, oh and you have to take me EVERYWHERE. No matter where it is, you take me with you, got it?"

"Fine," then I turned around and muttered, "you pushy and annoying cat."

"Hey! It's for your safety, you damn human."

And so we went to get cat food for Loki.