
We tried everything and I mean everything. I've shoved him into my jacket, hood, I even tried to fit him into a lunch box to bring onto the car. But he was too heavy, so it looked very suspicious. I've also tried to hide him in my winter jackets, you know, the poofy ones that make you look like a ball if you squat down? The one that your grandparents made you wear even when it was mid-September?

I gave up after a while and decided to read and relax. Thinking that it would give my brain a break and refresh it.

While I was reading a book about a guy who got shoved into the trunk of a car and got kidnapped by the mafia, I finally got my solutions for the problem at hand. I had two options to choose from.

Option 1: Tell my parents that I found a random cat and decided to raise it. Option 2: Shove my backpack with Loki inside it, into the trunk while Nathan, our driver, wasn't looking, and then rescue Loki before Nathan gets a chance to look in the trunk.

It's worth a shot, I turned my head towards him, "Hey Loki, would you mind riding in the trunk for the ride home?"

He uncurled himself and stretched, yawning, he answered, "No, it's fine by me," Loki hopped off the bed and onto my lap.

Scratching behind his ear, I told him, "I'm going to bring my backpack, with you in it, and place it in the trunk. But I'll leave it slightly open so you can crawl out."

Loki meowed again, in what I assumed was agreement, rolled over, and laid on his back, bearing his tummy to me for a belly rub. I've noticed that he has turned into quite the house cat. I kept on rubbing while I read my book, and before I knew it, Loki started purring. Aww, this grumpy kitty turned out to be adorable. I kept on petting him for a while.

About thirty minutes later, I placed my book down and rubbed my eyes, damn, what time is it? I turned toward the clock on my nightstand, 9:57 pm.

Quietly, I placed the book down and scooped Loki into my arms, he meowed and nuzzled his head into the crook of my arm. He was like a little baby and it was so cute. I gently laid him on his pet bed and patted his head, "Good night, Loki."

I rubbed my neck and cracked it. I know I shouldn't crack it too often, but it just feels so good after sitting in one position for so long or after a stressful day (*cough* school *cough cough*). I did a few stretches and started getting ready for bed.

When was the last time I actually slept early? I should probably get my sleep schedule back to normal.

Anyway, after my night routine, I made sure I had everything for tomorrow, closed the lights, and finally crawled under the sheets. I yawned and snuggled against my pillow trying to get into a comfortable position. When I finally found a position that I liked, I settled and thought to myself, well damn, tomorrow's gonna be a long day, before drifting off.

Roughly around nine hours later, I was startled awake because I had a dream about falling into a rabbit hole. Which then led me to hit my head on the corner of my nightstand and roll off the bed, landing with a hard thud on my knees. Luck really wasn't on my side this morning because I somehow lost balance while on my knees and face planted onto the floor, eating a mouthful of dust and pain.

As I laid there contemplating whether or not I should get up or just lay there for the rest of the day, Loki mused, "You haven't even been awake for ten minutes yet, and you've almost killed yourself twice. Now that's an amazing skill."

I slowly gathered the strength to raise my arm above the bed and give him the bird, "Shut up, I'm too tired for this crap. It's too early for this!"

Groaning, I rolled over and sat up, rubbing my aching head. The spot right above my eyebrow was throwing. Why? Just why? I narrowed my eyes at Loki who was laying leisurely on the corner of my bed, "Hey, aren't you supposed to keep this from happening? What if I died there? Who would give you food if that happened?"

He pouted, "Oh, you're right. If you had died, I wouldn't be able to get food anymore. That would be such a travesty," Loki flicked his tail and licked his paws.

Loki mumbled, "It's not like I could have stopped you anyway. It was too sudden for me to predict."

Sighing, I stood up and patted his head, grinning as he purred, "I guess it's justified. Now, let's get you some breakfast."

He immediately perked up, "Ooooo, fooooood."

Prancing to his food bowl, he sat down and tapped his paw on his water bowl, "can you give me more water? I finished it a few hours ago."

"Yeah, I'll do that, give me a few minutes."

I changed my clothes after giving Loki his food and told him, "I'm going to the bathroom, be back in a few minutes."

"Mmkay, be careful. Don't die."

After my morning pee, I ate a cup of yogurt from my mini-fridge and made sure I had everything for school in my backpack. I did this because I've left homework on my desk by accident before.

"Loki, are you done? We need to get going or else we're going to be late again."

He hopped onto the desk and wiggled into my open backpack, "Yep, let's go."

I patted his furry, little head and zipped the backpack closed but left it open at the side. I gently hefted the bag onto my shoulders and started towards the door.

Loki was useful during classes, he knew what I needed before I did. He would move it up a little and motion for me to grab it. It was like having a little helper at all times. I reward him with treats after school for his help, I feel like he was mostly doing it for the treats.

When the last bell rang, I ran to my dorm. Being as careful as I could about jostling my backpack with my cat inside it.

He was clinging on for dear life inside the bag, screeching, "Alice, why are you running!"

Out of breath, I grunted, "I need to pack you some food and water for the trip home."

When I finally made it into my dorm, I quickly unzipped my backpack and pulled out a dizzy Loki, "Are you okay?"

He shook himself and humphed, glaring at me, "I'm fine, not thanks to you."

Patting his head, I packed the food and bottled water into my bag and motioned for Loki to get back in. Which he did grudgingly.

As I was speed walking to the school gate, I got a text from Sam.

Sam: where are u?

Me: sorry! I forgot something at my dorm.

Me: I'll be there in a few

Sam: ok

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and caught sight of a familiar figure a few meters away. Oh no, it was Aric. I clung as close to the wall as I could and slipped past him, hurrying just in case he did see me.

Jogging over to where my sister waited I grabbed her shoulder, "Hey, sorry I took so long."

Sam shrugged, "It's fine, let's get in the car."

Oh no, the cat!

She opened the door for me and gestured for me to get in. I sighed, I guess there was no helping it. Loki was going to be stuck in the backpack for the drive. I slid into my seat and my sister slid in after me. We both greeted Nathan as he started the car.

Well, this was going to be fun.