
I woke up to the sight of Loki curled up next to me on the pillow. Huh, so he finally came back. Reaching over, I stroked his soft fur. He wiggled around and peeked open one eye, mumbling tiredly, "Alice? Is that you?"

"Yeah, who else would it be?" I patted his head.

He sighed, and curled back into a ball, snuggling with the pillow. Yawing, he answered, "Luna?"

Oh, that reminds me, "So what did you and Luna talk about?"

Peeking at me with one eye, he shrugged, "This and that."

"Very descriptive," I raised an eyebrow at him.

Loki shrugged again, he raised his head slightly, showing me his neck. There was a new collar with a silver bell hanging from his little neck. Yawing he mumbled, "She gave me this last night but she didn't tell me anything about it though."

Rolling the bell between my pointer finger and thumb, I mused, "What's the point of this thing?"

Placing his head back down, my cat grumbled, "How am I supposed to know? Now stop pestering me already. I'm tired and I'm grumpy right now, let me go back to sleep."

"Fine, I'll pour you some food and water. Then I'll go downstairs for breakfast," Loki grunted in response as I walked over to where I placed his items.

After dumping some food and water into his bowls, I didn't bother to say goodbye to Loki. It seemed like he was fast asleep. What exactly did he do to make him so tired? I looked back at my black cat only to see him still curled into a cute fur ball on top of the pillow I was just laying next to.

The adorable sight almost made me forget the fact that I still have not figured out why Luna put a collar on Loki. Still slightly frustrated that my curiosity wasn't quenched, I hurried downstairs. I could smell the aroma of eggs and bacon wafting through the air.

Maybe Loki's sense of smell was rubbing off on me? I know that's not how it works but then again, have you ever seen anyone with a talking cat that was given to you by a strangely beautiful being? Probably not.

Anyway, as I made my way into the dining room, right on cue, my stomach made a growling noise so loud, that it sounded like a bike motor. My older brother, Alec, who was just about to eat a spoonful of eggs paused with the spoon in midair and halfway to his opened mouth.

We made eye contact and I sheepishly grinned, "Don't judge me, I'm hungry, is all."

He continued shoving his eggs into his mouth, "I didn't say anything."

My other brother reached over and pulled out a chair for me, and gestured to the chair. Jesse suggested, with a smile on his face, "Why don't you sit down and I'll get you a plate of eggs?"

Swiftly making my way over to the chair, I plopped down onto the chair as Jesse got up from his chair with much more elegance than how I sat down on mine.

He grabbed his own plate, "I'm going to get more food. Do you want eggs with bacon or sausages?" he asked me.

Alec snorted like the gentleman he obviously was and said, "She probably wants both judging the atrocious sound her stomach made."

I meannn, he wasn't wrong, nodding my head I agreed, "Yeah, what he said."

"Alright, I'll be back in a minute with your food."

"Thanks, Jesse."

"No problem."

The sounds of Jesse's slippers shuffling disappeared as he walked through the kitchen doors. I looked over at Alec, who was still shoveling food into his mouth. He glanced up and raised an eyebrow before drinking some water and swallowing his food. He then turned towards me and pointed his fork at me, "So, when were you going to tell us about that cat of yours?"

And of course, he had to ask this as I was taking a sip of water, so I ended up sputtering and choking on water. Alec winced and reached over to pat my back, "You okay there?"

Clearing my throat, I answered, "I'm fine. But more importantly, how did you find out about my cat?" There was no point in deflecting and lying to him, he probably wouldn't believe me anyway, so I opted for telling him the truth.

As he answered, he continued eating, just how much food was on his plate? "Well, you see, late last night, I was taking a walk around the garden and I suddenly saw a black blur speed by me. At first, I was like, I better not go near it, I don't know what it is. But then again, I was bored so I wandered over and peeked around the trees and bushes anyway. It just so happened that I spotted a collar on it. Which obviously meant it belonged to someone and with that thought in min-"

"Wait, you have a brain to think with?"

Both Alec and I whipped our heads around to see Jesse holding two plates of food and staring at us questioningly. Alec rolled his eyes, "Well obviously I do, I just don't use it very often."

"I can tell," Jesse and I muttered.

While Alec was pouting because of our comment, his brother sat down between us and handed me my plate of food, "Here, be careful, the eggs are still a little hot."

"Thank you."


We all sat in silence for a few seconds before Alec asked his twin, "How much of our conversation did you hear?"

Jesse shrugged, "I heard Alice saying 'my cat' and then Alec's entire story before I interrupted. So, I put two and two together and figured we were talking about Alice's secret pet cat or something like that."

"Okay, so you know what we are talking about then?" I inquired.

"Just about, I still need to hear the rest of Alec's story."

Turing towards Alec, we both stared at him and commanded, "Continue the story."

He sighed, "Alright, alright, I was almost done anyway, but as I was saying. With the thought in mind, I chased after the cat but I was too slow. It had climbed up the ivy growing on the walls and up to where Alice's room was at. The window was open, so the cat just wiggled a little before slipping in. It sat on your desk, then I saw a pale hand reach out and pet it, which is why I assumed the cat was yours."

But I wasn't awake when Loki returned? I pondered as to whose hand it could have been. Then it came to me that Luna's hand was also pretty pale, and she was with Loki last night. So that hand was probably her hand. If not then that would be very worrying.

Jesse nudged me with his elbow, "So, what is your cat's name? What's its gender?"

"Oh, its name is Loki, and he's male."

"Why Loki?"

"Because he's a brat and very messy. Plus, he would also randomly scratch me and jump on me and it made me think about how the god of mischief would always randomly play pranks on people. That's why he is named Loki," I explained to them, "It's really not that deep."

Alec clapped his hands together excitedly, "Can we see it? I wanna pet it. It looked so cute from what I could see. Which was essentially nothing but a silhouette but whatever."

"Uhh, I guess? Just don't scare him, and after I eat. I'm still hungry," I told them while picking up my unused fork.

Jesse nodded, "And we still need to finish the food on our plates," I saw him kick Alec's leg under the table.

Well, I guess I'm going to have to introduce Loki to my twin brothers. I wonder how that's going to go about? This won't end too badly right? Righttt?