Acting Classes

A man in a simple black trousers and mint green dress shirt walked into X studios practice hall. His strict appearance was reflected in mirrors around the room .He looked like he was in his late forties but that was due to good skin care and maintenance.

Tang Jianhong was a well known actor in his days and still appeared in cameo roles for movies and famous television shows. However, currently his most well known role was a teacher and acting coach at the Capital's Imperial Film Academy and also the International Film Academy Of D City .

The first words that came out of this influential figure's mouth was not a greeting but rather a warning.

"I don't care who you are, your name or status when you enter the doors you are on one thing an actor.My name is Teacher Tang and right now I have the impossible task of guiding you newbies into making a half- decent commercial in just 2 days."

Then he walked directly in front of the group and looked them each in the eye.

" I know some of you are not actors but there has never been a useless student who has passed from my hands so I want your very best. Even if you all are vases you at the very least have to be competent vases."

While Song Xia was being guided and molded into becoming an actor Zhan Xian had a much more relaxed and fun time.


Nicolette Bellucci was Zhan Xian's cousin the daughter of his little uncle and a cherub that he absolutely adored.Dressed in a white coat with a pink sweater dress and tights she looked especially cute. Even the beret with ribbons covering her brown hair made her look especially sweet.

" Riel!Riel " Nicolette pouted and her big green eyes were bewildered as she questioned him. Zhan proceeded to laugh.

" Besides , my little Princess who would dare to do such a thing?"

Zhan Xian then curiously asked her ,

"Princess, why are you here alone? Where are your parents? "

" Daddy went home yesterday and I was with Grandpa Zhan all this time. I came together with Uncle Min to surprise you and go home together!"

She explained in one huge breathe without stopping .

Then Nicolette tilted her head like a puppy before looking at Xian curiously.

" So ,Riel were you surprised? Are you happy?"

Zian kissed her chubby cheeks again and replied ," Yes, of course ! My princess came to pick my up so I'm very happy."

" Yay! Grandpa and Daddy said that you always take so long to come home because you get lost! Don't worry ,Riel I know the way back home so we'll be fine!" Nicolette reassured him and patted his shoulder.

Xian just shrugged his shoulder helplessly while his subordinates and nanny struggled to hold back their laughter.

The two cousins one big and small enjoyed their cake at the cafe before heading to the airport. While Gong Sheng and Tang Min hoped their boss would remain in a good mood and were oh- so- grateful that Nicolette managed to save them this time around.


X Studios Practise Room

" Sillux has been rather generous to give you'll the the theme and script in advance . Usually in the industry you have to adapt and film in the same day. Now let us begin! No more dilly-dallying !" Teacher Tang ordered.

He pointed to Pan Li, " You first! Show me your interpretation of the theme and deliver your lines."

Pan Li was a bit nervous and started shakily. She walked from one end of the room and then turned around before looking over shoulder . She then flicked her hair over her shoulder and started walking towards them in a confident relaxed manner. Then ran her fingers through her hair and smiled with her hands on her hips. A lively smile graced her face and spoke her lines .

" Elegance from Sillux Youth Collection .With bamboo and green tea extracts. For the beautiful you, for the elegant you."

" Okay! Okay not terrible..." Teacher Tang nodded at Pan Li who immediately paled at his criticism before steeling her heart. She felt distraught because she had already practiced quite a bit.

" So, I think you were a bit too lively to fit the theme of elegance. You need a more relaxed and almost lazy manner. Not sloppy but more graceful and natural but student everything about you from start to finished was forced. Let's start off with the walk. A decent catwalk style walk but you are not on a runway. Think of the ingredients of the shampoo . Picture walking leisurely in a cool bamboo forest. Next the hair flip should be more relaxed as if it was an unconscious movement. For the finale a more gentle , relaxed smile not one that shows all your teeth! Can you do that?"

" Next! " Master Tang gestured to Zi Wuying whose theme was Refreshing.

" Refreshed Like a Sea Breeze." Zi Wuying ended with a peaceful expression as he stared off into the distance.

" Not bad ! Not bad at all! In fact ... your name is Wuying, right?" Teacher Tang drifted of as he arched an eyebrow at Zi Wuying.

Once Zi Wuying nodded he continued," It was acceptable in my books. Do it the same way with some minor corrections that we can discuss further later. "

" For now ,let's continue..."


Pan Li was fuming on the inside that a nobody with no experience was praised meanwhile she who was a child star had been criticized. She started to dislike Zi Wuying and even thought that Master Tang was an old outdated fart.

" Student Shao , you are fine but you need to bring more presence into the scene. Otherwise you with just become an accessory in the background. Meanwhile, in the case of Student Tao you have such an overwhelming aura that it can become unpleasant."

Master Tang was fair in his judgment and gave helpful and usable advice. Song Xia and Sun Shuai were also slightly criticized about placement and body language but nobody was judged as harshly as Pan Li which made her very bitter. After the session she stormed off without speaking or bidding good bye to the others.