The little crane emblem and mountain tapestry exchange(3)

Chi Shuang handed her new disciple a silver hair pin topped with purple jade. On the jade was a delicate and life like carving of a crane.Song Xia humbly accepted the gift with both hands.

" My Chi Family belonged to embroidery house that dates back to the time of the Emperors. We served royalty and the common people and a reputable for our wonderful designs. Only those who are personal apprentices of the Head Embroider get to wear this purple jade pin. The crane is the symbol for Chi Embroidery House because it represents longevity,prosperity and freedom.

" Come, Xiao Xia,I'll put the hairpin in for you."

Chi Shuang brushed the soft, silky raven black hair and couldn't help reminance about her own daughter.

It seemed like it was yesterday that she brushed her daughters hair in a similar fashion. However instead of a silver and purple jade pin a red jade pin was placed in her hair.

For the members of the Chi family a red jade hair pin with a crane emblem was used. For main embroidery disciples a purple jade pin and for those ordinary apprentices a white jade hair pin.

The men often wore a crane- carved jade ring instead of a hairpin.

Chi Shuang and Si Guying had a daughter who they missed dearly by the name of Si Rong . She was a filial and smart child but unfortunately she did not have the patience for embroidery nor did she want to be involved with the family business. Her heart and soul was involved in helping the less fortunate who could be assisted by the law.

When she graduated for university she worked for a while and became a well known lawyer. Fighting for those who couldn't fight for themselves. She soon started dating the Wang family 's only son and they got married in less than a year. After that Si Rong took care of the elders of the family and even gave up her thriving career to please her in- laws.Everyday Grandma Chi prayed for her daughter's happiness and wished her well even if they never meet again in this lifetime.


Si Rong was unpacking her cardboard boxes in her new apartment. Her daughters were playing in the second bedroom and she finally felt at ease.

Since ,that kind,beautiful student had bought her Kang table she felt a sense of security with the money earned. Ever since she left the capital it felt as if wolves were chasing on her heels and she had no time to even breathe.

Now finally it seems as if things were going according to plan. The next thing on her list was to find a job and then her parents. Well ,she has a job interview for a paralegal position at a law firm on Wednesday so hopefully she gets the job.

It would be especially difficult to get a well paying job as a lawyer on short notice. It was better to gain some experience for her resume since she had been out of practice for many years.

After her divorce her ex- husband told her the truth behind her parents disappearance. When she confronted her brother ; he gloating confirmed that she had stolen the family business from right under her mother's nose she cut ties with the wretched excuse for a human being.

In a fit of anger Si Ding insulted her. " Did you know that the old hag wanted to give you half of the business! That's why they met a terrible end and I became an unfilial son! IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

Si Ding gave off a crazed laugh and spoke in a gloating tone." Luckily,I did! You can't even handle a marriage let alone a multi-million dollar business empire."

Full of guilt , alone Si Rong searched for her parents. Over the years she believed her parents were traveling the world. Then settled in a secluded mountain side village with no phone lines or internet. This elaborate lie was put in place by her ex-husband and brother. She received post- cards and numerous letters over the years that deceived her into believing that her parents were well and enjoying life.

Finally the old butler one of the few remaining staff of the Si Household gave Si Rong the information that her parents were in G City . However ,the old butler did not have their address or contact information. Regardless of how different the search my be Si Rong was prepared to look.She sorely missed her kind mother and her protective father. Si Rong couldn't wait to introduce them to their grand daughters.


Rich , gold- white mist drifted from the mountain tapestry Song Xia had bought from Grandpa Hou.

She payed 100000 yuan for the tapestry even though Grandpa Hou insisted she pay less. It was the perfect gift for Grandma Chi and she did not want to take advantage of Grandpa Hou's kindness.Even though the tapestry was rich in energy she decided against absorbing it. In this way it would last longer as well as bring prosperity and peace to Grandpa Si and Grandma Chi

Song Xia carefully passed the mountain tapestry to her master.It was her return gift for Grandma Chi's teachings as well as for the jade pin.

" Oh, my how wonderful!" Exclaimed Chi Shuang as she saw the incredibly life like landscape and the excellent quality of the embroidery.

Grandpa Si also tried to secretly peer at the tapestry before becoming captivated by the magnificent work.

" Xiao Xia, my dear this is truly a gift after my own heart. Thank you very much my sweet girl." Grandma Chi gave Song Xia a warm hug.


During this moment Song Xia fiercely missed her own grandmother who passed on when she was an elementary school student. Of all her family members her grandmother gave her the most warmth and love. Her grandmother was the only person who loved her for herself. She didn't impose her own ideals and wishes on Song Xia.

The thing her grandmother always said," My Little Ying , live freely and happily that is the only thing Grandma wishes for you."

In her last life her Grandmother had bought her her first set of professional drawing pencils and had secretly arranged drawing classes for. The person who baked chocolate cake for her when she was upset and sat up with her when she had nightmares.


Grandma Chi was an excellent cook who made scrumptious dinner to celebrate. The 2 elders and Song Xia had spent a lovely evening in each other's company that ran till 9:30 p.m. when Song Xia left for the apartment.

Blissfully unaware of the changes on the internet and the release of 16 Heart's Magazine brought Song Xia was in for a surprise...