Sillux Shampoo Shoot(2)

Master Cao nodded his head in approval. Sun Shuai was indeed a great model to work with. A good commercial model. She was pretty, likable and fun. He wasn't sure if she was a good runway model or high fashion model .

Sun Shuai wasn't tall enough and aura was not developed. Her advantage was definitely her lovable nature and expressive face. Companies and the public would like her as she could definitely sell products.

"Okay, now run your fingers through the ends of your hair! Yes! Like that! Now turn to the side.... lift your chin a bit more."The background was a sunflower field and a bright blue sky which gave off a lively and joyful atmosphere.

When Ren Wu saw the girl's familiar face he broke out into a grin. It was Sun Shuai! The girl from his neighborhood back home. He hadn't seen her in more than 5 years so it took him time to recognize her but she still give of an endearing quality.She was now a nineteen year old young lady and not the sweet , little girl who used to run around the neighborhood calling him ' Brother Wu'.

" Okay ! Great! Sun Shuai, we are done, you can go change into the group outfits. Song Xia, you are up next."

Master Cao praised Sun Shuai before calling Song Xia to the next set up.


While Ren Wu was reminiscing about his childhood and pleased that he had met his own neighborhood girl ;Cen Yao was looking at another person.

The model with elegant features and golden eyes. Cen Yao had one another advantage in addition to her great modeling skills was her intuition.

Now ,her instincts were telling this little model was quite special. Incredibly beautiful with pure features similar to a pure white orchid aloof from the rest of the world .Right now, the girl was like a fiery rose , full of thorns and rebellion as she was shooting. Just a change in body language and eyes brought such a great change in temperament.

Such aura and talented in a young amateur model was amazing. The way she moved it was as if she had tacit understanding with photographer. Her sense of the camera , lighting as placement was truly as good as hers.


Master Cao knew Song Xia was talented after their previous Sixteen Hearts Magazine shoot but he didn't expect that she would improve so much in a short amount of time. Last time she was a snow angel- sweet or pure. Now she was rebellious and charming. This amateur model captured the rebellious and fearless nature of youth while still managing to be passionate and confident.

" Okay ! Song Xia , try and stretch out your leg more and tilt your chin to the right!Hold !"

'Click '

'Click '

Cap Yuanjun's finger didn't stray far from the shutter. Shot after shot came easily and he was thrilled with the photos.

The girl against a city night landscape became one with the imagery. Her raven black hair that was straightened shone like silk .A beautiful, red lip with red accessories and a stunning blue jump suit was notable and bold. The young women embodying all the qualities of a confident women ready to take on the world and live her dream.

The best shot was one of Song Xia 's blazing , challenging eyes with a smile that was closer to a smirk. It was as if challenging the world. It gave this impress that she ' Dared ' . Dared to fight for her dreams and what she believed in.


Master Cao was glad that everything was so far so good . However, after a quick coffee break he realized that one must not speak too soon.

" Huh? No ,no... Pan Li ,please just stand still! Stage manager, just move the props out of the way. "

Master Cao had creases appear on his forehead and rubbed his temples.

" Okay, let's try this again. Pan Li , keep your head raised and lift your arms casually. As if going on a walk...."

Master Cao was about to lose his temper . Pan Li wasn't a terrible model but for some reason she refused to take direction. She seemed to blatantly ignore instructions. The theme was calm and elegant but Pan Li kept trying to be showy and draw attention to herself. She was supposed to natural and adjusted to suit the theme but she failed.

Pan Li strained to keep a smile on her face and politely nodded when Master Cao reprimanded her.

' This old fart! Why does he praise Sun Shuai but is so critical of me? I'm definitely better than her! Song Xia was good but that was only because her theme was better than mine! '

Pan Li had already been upset from the previous day and now she felt that she was been victimized.Why did she end up going last?Perhaps subconsciously she felt intimidated and that was reflected by her poor performance.

After a tiring shot on both Pan Li's and Master Cao's part they finally managed to get a few decent shots.

In the meantime Cen Yao and Ren Wu came downstairs and other other models went to the change rooms to wear the group outfits. The group outfits were a classic black and white with a hint of red.


Song Xia carefully observed the two main models. They were truly outstanding professionals. Both Cen Yao and Ren Wu had aura and bearing that entranced people to stare at them .

After watching them Song Xia realized how much more she needed to improve herself. She could give off a half decent performance thanks to her powers but now she strove to be better. She was a competitive person and naturally wanted to be the best version of herself.

Cen Yao was graceful and every moment was precise. It flowed very well and consistently as if she didn't have to think before moving into the next pose. In the eyes of the amateur models it almost seemed as if she was dancing in slow motion.

Ren Wu was very charismatic and charming in front of the camera. He wasn't as gifted as Cen Yao but he could hold his own. Handsome with a great smile and profile he was the male god that many dreamed off.

Pan Li , the other make up artists and female staff members all squealed and tried to suppress their excitement after a cold look from Master Cao.

Sun Shuai smiled and secretly peered at Ren Wu who grinned in her direction. Song Xia on the other hand was indifferent . She didn't really know many male stars nor was she star crazy. She acknowledged that Ren Wu was good looking but he definitely couldn't compared to the ethereally handsome man she encountered in the coffee shop.

Speaking of which her thoughts drifted .

' Why didn't he contact me? Maybe he didn't want to... After all we only met once...'

Song Xia felt it was a pity because they could have been good friends. She also regretted that she couldn't follow his work before firmly brushing those messy thoughts away and focusing on the task at hand.Yet, somehow her heart felt a little bit uncomfortable and sad.