Mid-Term Results and Sister’s Sinister Plot

Vivid yet blurred images and distorted voices flooded Song Xia's mind as she sank deeper into a restless dream.

The world was on fire...


The betrayal of a trusted comrade . Rebellion of the very people she dedicated her life to.

'No! Why?

My people! My love!'

Can there really be such hatred in the world? Such greed and prejudice?


A few weeks ago

" Child, do you believe in forgiveness? Or the concept of forgiveness?"

Master Dai' voice had a hint of curiosity but also as if he was not overly concerned with Song Xia's answer.

" I believe in forgiveness but I also think there are somethings in the world that can never be forgiven..."

At this very odd and philosophical question Song Xia tried to answer in the best way .It was honest in the way that she truly believed she could forgive and forget most transgressions against her.

However, she too had her bottom line. Don't harm her loved ones !Don't violate human rights !Don't abuse those weaker than you !

If her inverse scale wasn't touched she didn't mind forgiving. Maybe to such a spiritual person it seemed selfish and secular but she couldn't lie.

Master Dai just hummed. He didn't approve or disapprove her words just silently poured her a cup of tea.

Two people sat side by side as the sun went down.


Icy wind and pitch black sky in a mundane winter night accompanied Song Xia woke up panting at 3:45 a.m . Ever since the meeting with Master Dai she has been having vivid dreams. She woke up with immense feelings of sadness and a sense of betrayal that came with no explanation.Like a memory of a dream. It was as if the harder she tried to remember the quicker the it fled from her mind.

With it being Mid- Term examinations and With her recurring nightmares Song Xia had dark circles and she had become thinner.Aunt Shi had even taken a strict approach on her bedtime even though she didn't usually impose 'rules' on Song Xia . Luckily ,mid-terms were over and the results would be released soon.

While staring at ceiling and waiting for sunrise Song Xia absentmindedly thought of the Shen Xue's Mother who asked if she would be in an advertisement campaign and shoot a short commercial along . It was for a confectionary company under Shen Industries that was going to launch a new set of products for Christmas and New Year.

The shoot was in a few days and Song Xia hoped it went well and was drama free unlike some of her previous shoots.

Tomorrow , she had a free period after lunch and afternoon Gym classes had been cancelled so she decided to visit her Master .


When Song Xia and Shen Xue as they exited the physics class and Ding Ru walked up to them with a smile while congratulating both of them.

" Congrats Shen Xue ,Song Xia . Song Xia you did so well this time! Enjoy the Liuxian camp!"

Surprised the girls thanked her and mentioned that they haven't seen their results and would catch up with her later.

" Xiao Xia, Xiao Xia! Results are out! Let's go check!"

Song Xia chuckled and put both of her hands on Shen Xue's shoulders in a playful manner.

" Xue Er , relax! The result will be there all week. We don't have to rush let's wait for some people to clear rather than trying to squeeze with the crowd."


Song Xia and Mo Zixuan were tied for 1st place while Jin Yu were 6th and 7 th respective in the year.

The girls decided they would go out to celebrate on Saturday.Probably visit the amusement park and go eat at a good meal at a restaurant.

Jin Yu scanned the list casually and noticed that other than Song Xia and Mo Zixuan the person with the highest marks for mathematics was Gao Hong . It was strange since Gao Hong's mathematics was average at best

" Gao Hong is actually in the top 30 of the year. Usually it was difficult for her to even enter the top 100."

Jin Yu muttered absentmindedly.

Song Xia looked at the list while a trace of suspicion entered her mind.


In the girl's bathroom Gao Hong was hurriedly conveying instructions on her cellphone.

" Yes, a blue bag. She will leave in about 30 minutes. I already sent a picture to you. You can't miss her! She's freakishly tall!"

Gao Hong paced pack and kept her voice low even though she had the urge to scream at the stupid imbecile across the phone . Using as much restrain as she could muster she answered the idiot.

"Yes , I already sent the money into your account . No! You will get the rest when the job is done. "

After washing her face and reapplying her lipgloss Gao Hong grinned in the mirror.

Life was finally going her way! She would transfer to the top class next week, she had money now and she was finally going to teach that stray a lesson.

" Since you like stealing everything from me ! You can't blame me for teaching you a lesson!I'm your older sister, I have to discipline you and teach you respect after all."

Gao Hong grinned maliciously unaware of the crazy glint in her eye.



Vroom~ Vroom~Vroom

A graffiti motorbike followed the bus on which a girl with a blue bag was travelling.