
Sugawara POV

How he got his wings.

I was in school and I felt a stinging pain start in my shoulder blades. "Can I got to the bathroom? " "Yes but be quick ok"  I said ok and ran off to the bathroom. I pulled my phone out to text my best friend daichi I ran into someone and I looked up. "S-sorry about that." There was a guy "a-are your wings coming in to?" I looked at him confused as another wave of pain went shooting through my shoulder blades. I winced in pain as I ran into the bathroom. Daichi was curled up on the floor and shaking while crying. "DAICHI!" I ran over and dropped to floor rubbing his back. I did something that Mt mom always does to came me down and another wave of pain shot through my shoulder blades. I rubbed my fingers up and down his back in between his shoulder blades. His wings came shooting out from his back. They were a beautiful dark brown just like his hair. I winced as another wave of pain went through my shoulder blades and daichi sat up and did the same thing to my back. My wings sprouted out from my back. Daichi gasped and said "wow koushi! Your wings are so beautiful! They're a pure pristine white with swooshes of grey and silver!" The boy from earlier walked in and was crying while rubbing his neck. Daichi and I got up and ran over to the boy and I rubbed my fingers in the same motion up and down between his shoulder blades. His wings popped out and they were a lighter brown unlike daichi's wings. "Th-thanks for doing that. It feels so much better now that it doesn't feel like my back is splitting down the middle. My names Asahi. Azumane asahi! Do you maybe-can we er" Asahi takes a deep breath then looks up. "Can we be friends?" I looked at daichi and immediately said "of course we can asahi. My name is sugawara. Koushi sugawara but you can call me sugawara and this is daichi. Daichi sawamura but you can call him daichi." I said with a smile on my face. After we talked for a while and thanked each other we all went back to class. "Sugawara why did you take so lo-" The teacher stopped scolding me when he saw my wings and immediately said "sorry. Now sit down" I complied and sat down. After school ended I went home and showed my wings off to my parents.
