Chapter 7

"Athor, are you up? Can I talk to you?"

He laid down on a rug inside his small home, Jimmy was outside asking him. Anytime he was tired he would come over, he didn't want to answer him so he'll notice Athor slept already, but that within superego pushed him up.

"What's the problem, Jimmy? I'm exhausted. Let's talk tomorrow." he said and rolled over to the left side.

Jimmy said innocently "Please, I have to talk to you".

He got up and said, "All right then, come in."

Jimmy came inside quickly, sat beside the wall, and while playing with his sleeves, pinching it said "Did you know that these days elves and devils can be seen everywhere? It seems they want to show up finally".

From the bad smell of him, it was obvious that he consumed drugs again "Jimmy! First of all, tell me what the hell are you doing to yourself? You need to quit that garbage, you are melting every day. Please start living again."

"You don't believe me. Right!? Living? I lost it a long time ago as a fish slid from my hand, I swam for it, but I failed to hold it" He said cheerlessly.

Athor got so upset for talking like that. He wanted to believe him, but he thought that it was all his fantasy "All of these are because of those blasted magicians in the bars, I'm sure they're giving people new drugs."

Jimmy nodded his head to confirm him "Yes, they are so guilty. They have no mercy and just think about money and selling their potions. Recently I heard them saying they want to join devils."

Athor thought he really needed some cold water, thus, he grabbed his hand by the arm, went outside. It was raining; they were standing under the rain which was getting much better. Jimmy's tangled and unwashed hair could say hello to some water and gets clean, take a natural shower. The rain was too strong like a waterfall coming down the sky, calming the broken heart of the poor earth. After the thunder began, jimmy was scared. He took him to his place and helped him to change his wet clothes. He felt better, Athor returned to his place, changed his clothes in order not to have a cold, and ate an apple. He looked at his beautiful bird and said "Even you look strange as the others" Then he laid down and closed his eyes slowly.


Three days left, Edward helped him to learn how to make a special dagger's mold which was designed as an amazing one ever exist. Finally, he made his unique dagger.

He was amazed about Athor's talent so he asked him whether if he is interested in working in a smithy beside him, becoming his apprentice. Athor accepted that favor gladly. He couldn't find a situation better than it.

Edward was a strong tall man, with dark hair and dark skin. He was wise, looked very serious, but his beautiful kind heart could be noticeable after knowing him well.

Daniel was one of his best apprentices from childhood, but, his brother was awful in this career. Allen couldn't tolerate more than two days; he also had found out that they are half-brothers from different mothers and grew up together.

At the noon he stepped out to go to the park to sell the rest of the pears. By tomorrow he was ready to work with Edward. The weather was nice after raining. There was no dust in the air anymore.

While he was watching the trees, he saw the person who always followed him, that unknown person got closer. Not a man he notices, but a young beautiful lady with blue eyes, blond hair who wore a long green silky dress which wasn't so common in that city. Athor was surprised, he remained speechless because he never thought that was a girl. She was exactly standing in front of him; he got so uncomfortable "Excuse me, Mam. Can I help you?"

"No, but…" she seemed very nervous because she swallowed her words and chosen silence to think before speaking. She carefully looked at his face, she seemed to be not sure about what she is seeing towards her and noticed that it's been a long time he didn't eat well. She sat down beside him "I'm Sarya, nice to meet you",

Athor was confused she was too calm and gave him the same feeling, maybe she was a witch or something like that.

"What's your name?" she asked when Athor remained mute.

He was keeping his distance from strangers, but she had a very kind face.

"I'm Athor" He said coldly.

She smiled and tried to start a conversation.

She said, "Wow, what a beautiful name, do you know what does it mean?"

He lowered his head down cause he gazed at her for a long time "Yes, it means fire."

"That's right, well I was about to eat lunch, but I saw you are alone here. Do you prefer to eat with me?" she attached a light smile on her face and gazed at the front view.

"Thank you, but I already had my lunch," he said because he was too shy to accept her favor.

Sarya noticed that he was embarrassed and said "It's ok if you have a little more with me; do me this favor, please."

He knew that if he rejects her favor, she would keep asking him. In order to get rid of that awkward situation, said "Alright, now that you insisting much."

She took two sandwiches out of her bag, they began eating.

It was the first time someone asked him to eat with.

She was smiling to make it comfortable for him and with those smiles, she made him feel nice.

Athor was shocked after the first bite. That delicious food didn't belong to the world of him "Thank you, it's so tasty. These days there is no good food around here."

Sarya was happy for his compliments, but she was also down for his bad life situation and felt pity for the people of this era while one day in the past has had all the best technologies. She made the sandwiches herself, she got very happy for him and the compliment "don't mention it, and help yourself please."

After they finished, she started speaking to get closer to him,

"You know, your eyes are so beautiful, your face reminds me of some people who were very important to me, and you must be at school now. What are you doing here?"

He didn't like people keep praising his face over and over again, so seriously said "I don't go to school this year, thank you for the glorification. Everybody says that."

She liked his polite behavior and said "You are so polite. It's clear you came from a good family"

He bitterly grinned "You meant nobles! No, I'm not, but I appreciate that I'm not a member of them, I don't know my family."

She considered that he's suffering from that pain. Maybe it was much better not to ask him about that much more "I'm sorry, I didn't mean those selfish fools, sorry if I upset you."

"Why are you sorry, some others must be, but I think you are coming from a noble family"

He acted normally as he didn't want her to find out about that big vacant place in his life.

She paused for a while and looked at the trees "Why me!"

Suddenly she figured out what he said and asked "Have you been selling pears only?"

"Yes, for now, I used to work in a bar, but unfortunately the owner passed away last month and his children closed the bar, so I had to find a new job and I will go to Edward's smithy by tomorrow. Sometimes life doesn't go exactly the way that you want, but I believe if you try more everything will be changed one day and it will be fine" He said while was cuddling Angel.

Sarya was looking at him and thought "How is this possible, he is handling so much pain. Living the life with this strength at a young age is so unbearable to me, something different must exist about this special boy." She didn't ask more not to put him in an awkward position, so she stood up gently and said "I should go now."

"Meeting you was a great blessing and I am so glad to know you, thank you for joining me for lunch and a nice conversation."

He got up, smiled, and gave her a pear "Please accept this from me as an appreciation, it's nothing, but makes me feel good"

"You're very nice Athor, you have a big heart," Sarya said with a mesmerizing smile.

Angel came over sat on her shoulder.

Athor couldn't control himself and mentioned "It's crystal clear that you have a nice connection with birds"

She said, "That's true, they like me so either I like them."