Chapter 15

"I remembered your sorrowful eyes again. Come with me to the myth town. Let's plant the hope's garden beyond the walls. Wake the perception path up with me. Let's make the innocent child happy. Let's give a hand to the sad old man.

Clamor love with me. Wake me up from the hopeless dream." Athor was repeating these words while dreaming. The book vanished in his hand, he was transported to another place.

She was as elegant as angels were but chained in the middle of a fire. Her hands fasted in each side painfully stretching. Her head dipped down, Athor ran to her, but strong energy pushed him to back, fell off down on hot earth, tried to stay up, but the pain did not allow him, his body was heavy as stone. He heard the sound of footsteps getting closer. His eyes rolled up and met his yellow eyes.

He felt something stings his heart to the bone, but he bounded not able to move.

"Athor", his voice twisted in the air as rattler's tail makes a sound.

The next day he aroused out of that dream, it was early morning, the weak ray of the sun forced to show up. "what the hell was that dream, oh that guy…too scary". He glanced around, making sure that he's in farya and everything's real. Jumped out from his bed, washed up dried his face, sat on the balcony for a while, took a deep breath, and looked at the almost cloudy sky.

He was overexcited for all he is going to have on this new way. after watching that magically beautiful sight came back to his room, unlocked the closet. There were many clothes in his size, it seemed they had watched over him for a long time.

Then chose light gray clothing, took off his dirty clothes, the smell of his body stung his nose. Straightly moved to the bathroom. Whether the water was cold or warm he didn't care, he just won't escape away from that filthy smell, turned the spout, water fluxed into a marble bath. He drew his finger beneath it, amazingly warm, all he needed. As the bath filled enough stepped in and leaned. There found a vial of lavender scent, poured a few drops into water, as its odor released closed his eyes in peace.

After half an hour he was clean enough, voided out the bath and toweled himself, and walked out, now the sun lights glint in his room. He wore his clothes and looked into the mirror, wondered and said "Is that me? I hope it's not a dream!" pinched his hand "ouch, ah, it's real".

He left the room and saw a middle-aged woman who had made the breakfast ready. She promptly, after seeing he came forward smiled and said "Oh, my son, Good morning, you woke up so early, I'm Mariet, happy to see you!"

Athor got in such a flap, but knew that so many unexpected things are coming up soon, and it is nothing among them "Good morning Mariet, thank you and nice to see you too!" he was too stiff standing and watching her, she realized but said nothing. She thought, "That's him, out missing son and I'm sure about it".

He peered at the table and murmured, "Oh my lord, she made all of these for me! Nevertheless, why? I'm not an important person", suddenly smiled and said, "Of course, I'm not!"

In Farya, there were no poor or rich, no social class differences or social stratification, they were equal and always were ready for each other. Then he came out behind the wall he was stood. The table was in the second-floor hall, clearly could be seen and he did not need to look after it.

King Sayan and the prince already had seated on their stony fine chairs. Pillows rested on them to fend off the starkness. As they saw him in a new fashionable style, their eyes widen out of wonderment. He looked completely different from last night, certainly, he was one the most handsome and special teenagers that ever could be seen and if they add courage, manner, and fortitude into it, that could give a nice and fantastic definition of him.

The King was happy inside and purely felt blest, Athor was such a kind-hearted and not an evil person. Yet he didn't know him well, but from his pure and innocent sight, he could realize that.

Athor stood there and he found out that he was being shy to approach forth so invited him to his seat and joined them "Please come and have a seat Athor, we have been waiting for you".

He gathered himself, came out of his illusions, and said "Good morning! Thank you", then had a seat beside Suran that was close to his father.

"Good morning, I hope you had a nice rest." The young prince said.

"Miss. Mariet made an incredible breakfast, please help yourself and eat well." the king said

The table was full, before this no one behaved him this much respectfully, but it made him more worried.

Miss Mariet was a nice lady with blond hair, green eyes, and a little bit younger than the King. She was the chef and also was managing the school's kitchen, her recipes were unique in the whole Farya and used to make pretty delicious cheese. He started with the appetite, if it was a dream he didn't intend to wake up hungry and starving from it. After they finished, two other persons came to roll up the table and help her. Athor got up and joined to help them, Mariet told him that not to do it, but he said "I feel much better; I'm not comfortable that way."

Suran liked his manner and got up to help; they put all plates on the carriage and again sat on their seat.

The King's eyes glittered so happily this time no tinge of sadness that he noticed last night, smiled and said "Now it's time to have a conversation, I'm beginning without any preface". He turned his eyes to Athor and said "I know you have so many questions in your mind, please be patient with us, we will answer them all back, but for now, just listen carefully and I'll try to explain things clearly, now we are bring your official identity back".

All things that King Sayan said directly amazed him and asked "Official identity?"

Suran tapped his hand on his shoulder and said "Yes, the name that your parents chose before, I'm sure you really want to know that who you are or where you came from."

Athor nodded his head smiled and waited for the King's gloss.

Then after a short hesitance, he said, "As you know every parent choose a name for their children no matter which race they came from, there are no differences between you and the others, the name that your mom chose for you is "Taeyan" and from now I confirm your official identity."

Everything moved faster through his vision, the name that his mother chose! He never thought of his real name, so enough curious to know what does his name means so calmly asked, "Excuse me for asking, but it's kind of weird to me, Taeyan? What does it mean?"

"It means sun's light; it has a female version which it calls Taya and means the princes of light," King Sayan with a light fake forced smile said to have a nice appearance.

Taeyan smiled and said "That's a beautiful name thank you.", then pointed out to Suran "What does Suran mean?"

Suran heard Taya's name, and his face changed color he was too sensitive to his mother's name, and something was aching his heart, seriously said, "It means worrier."

Athor rolled down his head and said "Nice name!"

With a hint of a forced smile, he said "Thank you Taeyan."

Tayan, the name that King Sayan and his wife had chosen for him as a memoir of his parental grandfather. The King and Suran were worried about his reaction after knowing the facts. It was apparent he becomes surprised and confused, but hopefully, he was calm just carefully listened to them. After his all unexpected journey which happened from last night, he would rather hear and wait till the facts show up clearly, so decided not to judge very fast and try to comprehend. He was trying to know this new world so he rathered to listen and speak less, then judge. This subject could show his intelligence and similarity to his brother. King Sayan noticed that instantly.

"I must mention that your previous name is beautiful and the man had chosen a nice name for you, but this one is your real name.", "Well now you can ask your questions, I'm sure you have lots of them," said King Sayan

Taeyan looked at him and slowly said "Yes, my mind is full of questions, but I don't know which one I must ask first."