Chapter 31

"You don't need to say anything since we saw enough of everything and we've known about that," Suran said.

Taeyan lowered his head down and apologized. Suran said, "Stand up! We must go now."

"What about the crystal?" Jay said.

Suran growled, "It's dangerous. It's better to inform my father first he'll make the decision."

They transmitted out of the jungle swiftly.

Kai was standing near Daria who was trembling. His ankle was malignly poisoned, but they've brought the antidote when they saw what happened through the crystal.

"Stand up! Why are you freezing?" Kai told Daria.

They returned to the castle right after putting salve on his wound.

Suran was still red-tempered and told Taeyan, "Why do you poke your nose to something you shouldn't have? You could've died."

Taeyan went out of rage, tired of being blamed all the time, and yelled, "Enough. I'm tired and sick of your cold strict behavior. You've been torturing me since you've found out about the truth. If you don't want me here, I'm not afraid of leaving, but I'm brave enough not to hide and to face my enemies. There are people in the human world who truly love me."

Everyone was shocked. He finally opened his mouth and rubbed their mistakes to their face. Sarya came down the stairs quickly hearing their voice. She was already waiting and worried. She took Taeyan's hand, gloated at Suran, and went away.

-King's private library-

Everyone participated in the next day's call. The previous night was full of dreadful dramas. The three of them were standing near Sarya with their heads down.

King Sayan had a short serious cough and said, "Well… You know it very good that I forbid going there." Paused and stepped across and added, "Taeyan! You were told not to get even close to that forest under any circumstances, but you did disobey me like a piece of cake."

He directed to Sarya, "Lady Sarya! Keep eyes on them and don't let them out of your sight. As you've found something really helpful for us, I'll forgive you, but I'll have eyes on you since then. Everyone can go now except Suran, Kai, and Jay."

That was a brief conversation, but the king was aware of the tension between Suran and his brother. So, he let them get away Scot-free. The king knew about anything they did, but he has not stopped them because their adventures could have got them well-prepared for the unknowns.

A new era has begun a while ago and he did not intend to hide anymore and to let the dark creatures demolish the world. Therefore, he allows them to go after their destiny freely. Even though he was worried as a father, he was in charge of protecting everyone not only his own family.

When they left the room, Suran said, "What's your opinion about what they said, father?"

The king said, "What you saw last night was absolutely true, but another issue has been preying on my mind. How could Taeyan see a part of the truth when he had not been actually there?"

"His hand was on the green crystal. Perhaps it's because he had done it before." Jay had a wild guess.

"It's not even possible till you're part of the memory." The king murmured.

"I have a question. How were those crystals attracted to each other? Normally, such a thing doesn't happen." Kai said.

Suran replied, "By magic. They were talking about bloodline. It was predicted in the prophecy. The light weapons' owners can see any truth they want to, by touching the green crystal. It's part of their existence, a divine gift."

The wizards love their mystery symbols and codes which were mostly filthy and unpleasant for elves, but holy for themselves. His guess was perfectly correct, but it was not trustworthy.

Jay said anxiously, "You mean that Taeyan is one of the owners?" "I don't know, but he was just thinking about who killed our mother. So, he got this part before I could have pushed him away." Suran replied.

Something rang a bell in the king's head. Therefore, he decided to put an end to the discussion and said, "These are all some wild guesses. That crystal can be dangerous and can even be a trap. Now, I want you to get ready for the tournament that will be held soon to send the best fighters on a special mission to the human world. You can practice till the next spring."

Then the king looked at Jay and Kai and said, "Majority of innocent humans and elves are getting killed every year. Your father and many other creatures have lost their precious lives for us. Now, it's our turn to protect all nations, races, and time to stop hiding. My father was against this, but I'm not my father. Hiding can only make us weaker and will devastate us gradually in silence."

Suran agreed, "Surely, we don't let you down, but what shall we do about those traitors?"

"I would take that into consideration," King said

"What about the crystal?" Kai asked

King comforted them, "Don't worry. We took that somewhere safe."

"So, we'll focus on the tournament," Suran assured the king

Jay and Kai confirmed what he said, but it was so difficult to take in why some elves might join them. It could only have a few reasons including power, empty promises, and fear.

King said "How's your rehearses with Eral? I hope to see him soon."

Jay answered, "Difficult, but the best. You majesty couldn't find anyone better than him to teach us."

The King added "Be careful. No one should know about this secret or I can't help you with this."

"Be sure. We go there cautiously. Although, they chased us a few times it was fruitless." That was kai responded.

Kai was right, Taeyan and his friends have followed them twice, but each time they've failed and were no longer obsessed with what they were doing.

"Suran you must treat him well he went through too much".

"Yes, father".

-Taeyan and Cera's room-

Sarya growled, "I can't believe you. How could you do something like that on your own? At least you should have told me."

Taeyan replied, "Would you allow us to do that if we've told you?"

"Of course not. Why the hell did you do that? What if you would be killed touching that crystal?"

Taeyan put his head down indignantly. Such thought has not even occurred to him and said, "I've lived many years in darkness and unconsciousness. I'm ready to die for the truth and peace for all."

Cera, who was still upset about his fight with his brothers, murmured, "It was my fault."

Sarya didn't want to put the blame on them or punish them, but she was totally freaked out and did not want anything bad to happen to them. So, she said, "You all must be blamed for your nosiness."

Daria said regretfully, "I'm truly sorry. We'll tell you whatever we want to do in advance."

Sarya gathered himself up and said, "Now, you're talking. A grown-up must be with you."

They looked at each other and then looked at her having a fading smile on her face.

Cera said playfully, "You mean that you will come with us when we're fooling around?"

Sarya smiled for a moment and said seriously, "That's enough. It's better to go and study. Only one month has left the exams."

Taeyan said "You're right. We're sorry that got you into trouble,"

Sarya turned to leave the room, but she suddenly turned back and said, "It's better to go check on your mothers. They must be worried." The two shook their heads.

Suran had already given the purple crystal to Sarya because she knew that they will go after something else and it would be better if she checks on them.

"How's your leg?" Cera said, looking at his leg, "You should go to the clinic. It might get even worse."

Daria agreed, "Okay! I must go home first. My family is worried. Catch you later."