Chapter 35

They all moved quickly to the mountain. Half an hour later they entered the tunnel in which thick spider webs could be seen everywhere. Poor animal skeletons were hanging everywhere you look and they could smell terrible and death everywhere. It was more like a slaughterhouse. When they went to the middle of the tunnel, they saw a landslide which was done by wizards to inhibit others from going further, but why? Nobody knows.

"Thank god for ruining this gross place," Cera said that covering his nose with his sleeves.

"I must get out of here now or I'll throw up," Daria confessed.

Taeyan agreed, "We must go quickly towards the mountain which takes one hour."

They all got back and walked toward the waterfall. When they arrived, they couldn't see any signs of the sanctuary.

"Well, there's nothing here, geniuses," Jay said mockingly.

"It has to be here. Surely they've designed it the way that no one can see." Cera said.

"Well. I can't see a tree trunk to sit on." Daria said.

Taeyan was looking at some scribbles near the waterfall when he said, "Look! It's here. This is very familiar. It's just like the scribble I saw on the stone tablet. I can read it, "Bloody moon" and there's a picture of a full moon here. Look!"

Cera tapped on his shoulder, laughed, and said humorously, "Way to go. You're even smarter than me." And quietly said, "Good job my boy, I never thought we find it here you saved us."

Jay didn't like his childish behavior since he made fun of anything in any situation. So, he laughed angrily and said, "Ha ha ha, what a self-absorbed person you are. How shall we get in now?"

"With blood," Taeyan said that seriously. His smile dried what if it needed scarification.

Daria stood still and said fearfully, "Blood? Whose blood? Does it need a sacrifice?"

Suran pushed them away and told Taeyan, "Move away." He caught part of his hand and poured his blood on the stone, then whispered, "Bloody moon I offer you my blood" it was a complete risk as if he was doomed to a curse that takes his life. A black fog came out floating in the air made a horrifying face and flew up screaming to the sky. His blood flowed through the grooves, entered a hole. Suddenly a triangle stone door got opened.

Daria complained, "uh-oh, another tunnel. I hate tunnels."

"Stop nagging," Cera said.

They all entered the tunnel. Strange symbols were on each sidewall. There was a mysterious maze that headed to a temple where they were looking for. Many chairs were around a triangle table with an old book in its center. It was kind of obvious that their victims were sat on these chairs. They intended to scarify for Abalis to gain their desire. Suran reached for the book.

"Wait we must survey any danger…" Kai couldn't finish his words, but as soon as he touched the book, an arrow came out of a sculpture mouth and scratches his arm. Suran fell to the ground. A red cloud appeared gaffed loudly and cried out "blood of elf, die". Suran howled out of pain. The second prince moved to his brother. His face purpled and the vessels distended. That arrow contained strong venom. Suddenly, the king appeared, picked up Suran, and left that filthy place. Taeyan was trembling out of dread, he couldn't do anything. He was really afraid of losing his brother; couldn't take in another loss.

Jay was in shock when he said, "It's better to get off of here."

-The next day-

Taeyan was waiting outside of Suran's room when the doctor Jorio and his father come out.

The king said, "I'm really thankful to you for saving my son's life."

"That was a miracle, your highness. I did just lower his fever. Nobody can survive from the black dragon poison." Doctor Jorio confessed.

The doctor left and the king looked at Taeyan. It was obvious that he couldn't sleep all night long and was totally freaked out. The King said, "Don't worry. He's fine. It's my fault. I shouldn't have sent you there."

"That's not true. It's all because of me. I'm ominous. Whenever I get close to anyone, something bad happens." Taeyan said as if he believed in it deeply.

"Don't put the blame on yourself at all. You did the best you can. I'm so proud of you. You can go and visit your brother now." The King disagreed.

Taeyan entered the room quickly. He wasn't conscious, but obviously, he looked better. Last night, his skin was very pale purpled by poison, but it was normal then. He had felt really guilty because Suran was protecting them when he got shot. He got closer to his bed slowly and whispered, "I'm sorry." Tears rolled down his cheeks, he didn't cry since he was a child, but seeing Suran in such a condition shattered his soul, "You know why am I keep moving forth? Because it's my nature since I remember I was fighting to have a good life, I was suffering, deeply in mental pain, I used to put all those feelings into my poems, then I realized that I feel absurdity, then I had no feelings even pain, I couldn't sense it! I lost the meaning of life so to get rid of that I replaced it with all I love to do, things that made me happy inside, my dreams. Living that life was tough, really tough, but I chose it because dying was too easy, giving up was a gift to those who hurt me. I've made a choice, that's how I won, you know I hate weakness and dying in that situation was a pure foible. You must overcome this I can't lose you. Without your life lose its meaning". Suran's first finger moved and tears left his eyes. He heard all those words that Taeyan never said to anyone else before.