Chapter 47

Elendeer drew out his bow, if he wouldn't fight no one else could help. Inside the mounts, in Rageton deserts no signal had ever worked. They had no use for the access device on their wrist for reaching outward. A watch-like device that calls or brings up the information they're asking for.

Elendeer jumped up the Taitor straight on a rock that had enough point of view and unleashed the arrows sequentially. The dark spirit creature was too familiar with this type of battling. Its speed as fast as wind ignoring each arrow.

"Shall we bust this mountain on the head of this nothing? What's your shim?" Tamina asked the soil master.

He agreed with a hint of a smile, rolled his head as obeying the command, "we got no time to waste my lady, as you command".

"Then do it, the power of Soil and the blood of gracious man, Strandeer son of Landeer".

Strandeer made his hand wide open. Stones and soil shuddered on the ground. The small masses diverged up the surface, scrambled up, sharp as blades of scissors sheared the air, and jutted to the septic demon.

The dark bat got two horns, used them as a shield to its head, flew up, but couldn't escape away from the blading-shape stones, they immerged into its body and the green blood gushed out. It was the time of smashing it down when the princess shouted, "Now". Rocks broke down on the head of the bat and it didn't get a chance to fly up.

Tamina strode forth, her sword above her head sparkled at the moonlight, for a moment glanced into its eyes, nothing she could have seen, but thirst, still heaving to catch her. She scowled, her brother was leading them and it was the saddest part. She smote the head by the sharp blade of Taramus. The green blood splashed out on her face.

"Shall cut the head of a demon before it attacks again, they leave no way for mercy", She stated. They had a day of riding before them so finishing it was an assurance.

They passed through the valley, Taitors speeded. Unbelievably they ride three times more than horses the reason why they use to wear filter masks for the safety of their eyes. Their long flexible legs allowed them to take long footpaces.

The next day at the adjacent of noontime they arrived in the deserts, but the Taramusian deserts were completely different than what a man can imagine because of all the surface covered by colorful metallic specks of dust with less sand.

The weather wasn't that warm to hit or flare around and there had been only one reason behind it. The star of Taramus wasn't as hot as the sun so it would have too many effects on each area. But for having more metal and less soil no herb or plant could grow easily except a few rare kinds of thorny bushes. The reason for moisturizing air was being near the ocean and in the winter season made it even more trenchantly cold. Taitors could pass these parts very easily due to the suitable and well-prepared shape and paws inside their hoofs.

At the edges of the desert route, the passengers dismounted to have some rest and meal. They were ahead of the planned time then could gift themselves with some rest. Elendeer gathered some dried branches of bushes for cooking and getting warm.

Strandeer took out a bag from the saddle, set the fire, and placed a pot on it. Poured the water and as it boiled added rice, pemmican meat and dried mushrooms then brought salt and paper out of his pocket, "without these, the food tastes horrible", he spattered a pinch of each and began to string it. The steam rose and made Elendeer sneezing.

"That spice, oh I'm sensitive".

"If you have an allergy, you need to see a physician for injection", Strandeer added while the princess was quiet and staring at the flare. Branches of thorny bushes were burning up till becoming ash and falling apart.

As the warm stew was ready to serve, Strandeer poured them into small bowls passed the first one to the princess and the next one to Elendeer.

Tamina whilst smelling the food said, "I never was close to my younger brother, not enough to get to know him, all of my priority bounded to governmental cases, the reason I couldn't spend time with him though he wasn't interested either, none of his thoughts or actions are familiar and predictable to me and if it turns out worst all of a sudden at the end".

"You are absolutely right my lady, but in my guess maybe Elendeer can help us this way, aren't you Elendeer?"

Rice choked up in Elendeer throat, coughed, "I'm willing we don't talk about such a matter now, but of course I do".

"Can you guess what his next move is?" Tamina asked caustically to see how serious he is.

Elendeer rolled his eyes to the bowl avoiding looking at her, and answered, "I'm sure he is after the gates but doesn't know where to find or how he can open them", didn't fabricate the words, but said the truth.

Thence to the last words bandied between them no one talked anymore and ate their supper in silence even being vigilant didn't work if he was after the gates. A while later mounted again and moved to the route, with the pace of them reached their destination in the early morning before rising.

The sun had shone on a domical roof building. An observatory on a hill. Stairs led them up.

Rageton desert was the highest peak on whole Taramus, a place that no spaceship might enter in about a couple of years ago because as they flew up there, the engines got stall and a big crash down after all. Until the alchemist found what the knot is. The magnetic source in that zone caused all the air crashes. After that discovery submitted a request for an equipment observatory building there due to his researches through Taramus location inside the galaxy. Even the adroit scholars of Leigaroun weren't able to solve that issue, but he did in the case. The king agreed with his wish when he claimed that Taramus had gotten two cores like loadstone magnetizing to each other similarly the north and south are completely different. The northern and center very suitable places to live while the south is not the same. Surrounded by colorful mountains and without technology, Leigarounians can't even walk over there.

The alchemist's services through ideas and actions reasoned the king enough to trust him and involve him with gates' secret and left him many clandestine missions to work on. He got succeed to solve one after another and increased his popularity on king Atria's vision but caused Betria to loathe, the young son of the king.