
"No, you'll show me the sign and I'll place the stone", shook his head pointed to the rock.

Viro caressed the slightly peddling engraved symbols and replied, "Do you see the moon and star sign? Put it right on the free dark space".

Elendeer followed the steps, but nothing happened at all! Lodged his cold sword on Viro's throat, he felt the chill in his body. The sharp blade pressed and cut the thin skin, a linear fleck of warm blood extruded out and ran down.

"If you hurt him more, then you'll be a dead man soon", the princess cried out.

"Ah, Tamina you're so noisy and always too aggressive", pointed to a guard and he punched her from the back, she fell off the ground. Viro raged, "If we die you can't open the gates even in your dreams".

"I'm not sure! You know we have magician elves beside and they know very well". Betria easily sold everything.

"No, because they don't work the same!"

Elendeer aggressed his mouth to his ears and shouted, "Then why it didn't open genius?"

Tamina tried to get up, shook her head, snowflakes spattered around.

"Are you ok?" Viro asked.

"I am".

"I have no idea to take this shit off my throat and let me see what's wrong!" He knew about the risk of this plan, but still, he didn't gain enough of all he wanted.

Betria pretended easygoing the way he buried his fury and softly pronounced, "Give him another chance".

Elendeer receded his sword away and the alchemist checked the signs, "The gate's coordinate had changed since last time, it can happen manually."

"It must be elves, they are intelligent, and when can you open it?" Betria blurted the words between his teeth.

"Not by any race, but mortal guardians from the outmost world", then shrugged pointed to one of the signs and continued, "This, the sign which can open the gate and now it is on the first full moon, we must wait for next twenty days, the only way to open the gate is to follow the coordinate".

"Catch them, very lucky to be alive for another day," Betria commanded.

Elendeer pushed the alchemist and murmured, "Better not tricking us?"

"Don't you see? I'm about to die so it doesn't make sense to save your princess I do everything".

"Move, variety is the spice of life soon you will taste it by stings". Elendeer said to warn him about any ruse. The guards tied them up and pushed them to the regnal spaceship and harked back to Leigaroun.


The guards frisked and unarmed them pulled them inside a dungeon. Tamina sat on a corner to ease her legs leered at him for a long moment finally couldn't bear that and remonstrate, "How? How could you gift them the crystal?"

"Are you mad at me?"

"Shouldn't I? You wasted all our effort in puffs!"

He demonically laughed the much that the guard outsides wondered and shouted, "Shut up!"

The laughter conjoined with tears, his voice got thick and lowered, bent and leaned to the wall then criticized, "in your calendar, it's been ten years that I'm here, but on earth, seventy years had passed then in a sudden I figured it out that my earth is nothing, but ruins now", he gulped and Tamina scrutinized at him while continued, "I left all behind because of you, yet instead of trust or even listen to me, you just reject me and can't stand to see the truth, now judging me blindly, fairly you are a swelled headed".

Tamina remained quiet letting him finish after a short pause he added again, "I'm not that fool to give those hyenas an original crystal, when I saw you with Elendeer I asked myself how is that possible! After the rebel, he joined you so simply and this test was the only way," he lowered his voice to make sure no one, but she can hear, "actually the gate's coordinate can't ever change, not under any emergency, thus, all those I'd told them were bullshitting, it was second times that your brother insulted me first drugged me and brought that girl to my bed and ruined our wedding, the second was a few minutes ago, I'll take a bad revenge on him right across his eyes that's why we are here now".

She was ashamed and felt no difference between herself and Betria, the same cruelty was on her heart too, lowered her eyes down, "Where is the crystal now?"

Viro took his leather jacket off and rolled the shirt up, but Tamina already saw the blood and moved to him. The wound was deep right under his appendix. A simple kick or infection could cause him death.

"Here and you must take it out before I die".

Her eyes fully extended through it, "what had you done to yourself?"

"I had no other choice".

"Of course you had".

"Now I must be dead like my family or friends, buried or burned without any funeral I knew they won't trust me and will search us".

She put her hands on the two sides of his face and said, "I'm sorry".

Tamina kissed him completely aware of his pain, she had hidden her feeling toward him, but now it could be the last chance.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Just take it out".

She drew the suture and the wound unlashed. Viro bit his hand.

"I'm truly sorry".

"Thank you for not feeling pity about me".

She dived two of her fingers to the wound and grabbed the stone, slowly took it out made sure it doesn't hurt any vessel. He knew where to hide it and keep him alive for a long time. She handed the crystal to him and gasped, "What now?"

He was bleeding and she pressed her hand on the wound.

"Let's get out of this hell". Grabbed his wound and got up. He scooped out chalk out of his pocket began drawing a gate while holding the Crystal, just like the one on the Roughton peak he drew them carefully. He was well aware of the dungeon place the moon's light would glow there directly through small windows exactly on the east side and crooned, "Anytime we put the stone on this top symbol the gate will be open for about ten seconds then these symbols fade away."

He groaned then continued, "You'll go first, keep it in mind that I don't know where exactly we will appear".

"We go together".

"I'll come right after you, I need to see his face when he underestimated me all the time".

"This ain't a game, is it?"

"Are you kidding me, this is a whole damn game! Don't worry I'm not crazy to jump on demons mouth!" That made her smile.

He placed the crystal on the top sign and the ground underneath of the stone got a vortex shape and the light streamed over each symbol and the gate got open.

The footsteps and roars could have been hearing from outdoor. Tarun felt the light of Crystal and warned Betria so they arrived as the gate got open.

"Hurry up idiots open the door", the furious voice of Betria came in.

Tamina resists going without him, but Viro pushed her then turned to the closed-door yelled, "You'll stump down like you're demons, and indemnify all deaths".

The door got wide open, Viro saw his face at the last second and while the gate was about to disappear Tamina pulled him inside. The gate disappeared and Tamina grabbed the stone before falling.

"Your scar is very deep to walk", the air steamed out of her mouth. All around the white and cold. No person to help and all alone.

"I'm fine here must be the north, we are in Synola…"

Before he finishes the arrows were ready to be released, appeared right across their faces, but at the same time, the world twisted toward his gaze blanked then his head kissed the cold snow.