First sight

Notice: My dear readers from now on this story contains roughly violent scenes, if you can't tolerate such moments please skip this chapter or story. As you wish anyway with all love from the author.

"You are melting my heart Crystal, let's have a seat here, I missed you so much". They strode to the bench near the oak tree and had their seat. He couldn't believe that she could convince him, but she innocently explained the reason and made him speechless.

"What's going on in that rich brain of yours? Why do you keep looking at the sky? Don't you find something interesting on earth? Like right beside you?" He dragged her into his arms and covered her little body.

"Wow, I made tones of questions in your mind, to be honest, I was thinking about those who had left the earth almost half a century ago, did they survive to reach their destination? If they did, now they are living up there, how come they never came back?"

"I have no idea about it I've just read. If they are alive will get back home one day and I hope they come early". She nodded at that.

Survivorship, this word flashed in Daniel's head, blazed and awaken the memory of the day that he met Crystal for the first sight. A defiantly odd one when he faced diffused rumors about monsters flaunting around and alerted by Lorena. The time he discovered that he must fight to gain. It was unexpected and he wasn't ready, but tough situations forging a man's stamina. His soul and heart had frozen after his mother's death so the world had only one shade of color and it was gray. He couldn't feel the pain either happiness.

It was a spring day he was laid on a rock in the riverside, his head leaned on the slanted ridge and no one could discover his presence. He was glaring at the clouds moving rapidly passing the sky, some seemed fluffy like cotton candies ready to be swallowed by giants of the sky! On the contrary, others got weird shapes, fishes, ships, hunters… forcing you to think that clouds are real creatures and playing games during their journey over the earth!

A soft breeze kissed his face, rewarding him over and over, made his eyelid heavier and overlapped.

While he was enjoying his nap, the laughter of two noisy people made electricity into his body, his eyes wide opened and deeply got bewilderment, like someone itching his brain. Without noticing his existence they continued to make more noises.

"Huh, so you like that mayor's son Daniel I knew that", Mira yanked Crystal.

Daniel sneered and again closed his eyes curious to hear more so didn't interrupt them. From the sound of water he realized that they are inside the river now as soon as he heard water plopped, they aimed to have some fun. He couldn't deny that he got interested to watch who they are so he lifted his neck a little bit and able to see them. They looked familiar, but he didn't remember where he met them before, it could be kind of Deja vu whatever it was he ignored and shoved it away, laid on athwart, his hand placed under his chin watching a funny real comedy show and sneering.

The girls intended to swim, "Ahh? We are getting close to good parts! How tooth and nail they are! Don't they realize that there must be wolves?" They returned to take off their dresses near the jugs.

"Did you hear that?" Crystal warned.

"No, what?" Mira shook her head.

"I heard a snorting sound!" She felt a chill in her arms, it might be someone is watching them! The thorny bushes rustled and moved, she cringed and gazed at the forest side Mira followed her sight and they stood still in shock and fear, glamorized and glued to the ground, not able to even swallow or let out a scream of help. The being in front of their eyes stopped them from what they were aiming to do. A shadow sounds like a dark ghost entered out. Steam was coming out of its mouth moving out through that dark part of bushes, approaching slowly didn't allow them to blink and rub away that mare, so sure that there is no way for its meal to run.

Girls over frightened glaring into its eyes which were sucking their souls within its inner hell, draining their energy and made their body trembling out of weakness. What on the earth this creature was? As their brain was working and pleading to the divine court for showing them some mercy. In its eyes, they discovered the thirst of taking revenge to indulge itself.

Its long sharp yellow teeth were close to Mira's face smelling her and with the middle head, a golden eye captivated her soul and nailed her to a cold hazy deep dark. She was praying while couldn't even blink and forced to look at a horrifying canvas.

Daniel who was now in his previous position got lashed by sunlight and turned back to watch over the girls who were strangely quiet now. He saw them stood like a piece of stick and didn't escape from that filthy monster getting close and close to them. He heard about it, Lorena already warned him about this demon, a hell-spirit which never comes out under sunlight, but this one sounds to be very hungry.

"Damn, where the hell it came out?" he clenched underneath.

As hell-spirit opened its mouth he jumped down the rock and distracted dreadful being. Crystal got vigilant found themselves getting eaten. She picked a few river-stones up and threw them on its head. She cried out, "Mira, watch out", but too late, the monster whipped her by its tail and she hit the rock by the back and laid athwart. Crystal tried to move to her, but all her strength had drained roughly. On the other side, Mira touched the ground to get up, but wasteful efforts may bring more harm, less than a second she flipped and fainted so couldn't save Crystal as the monster seized to reach her flesh.

Daniel pushed the brave girl to another side, finally, he faced one of those monsters to challenge himself. He had learned how this murderous devil catches the victim, but unexpectedly it was fast and didn't give him a chance to be killed!

Its long sharp tails were similar to air-blade with those hook shape could simply tear up flesh whether used to inject a deadly poison to restrain its prey and devour the body in peace. Daniel cut a tail, green massy blood splashed out on his face and turned his stomach. This move made the devil even more furious and punched him with its blade claws before he gets a chance to firm against it. He flew to a corner due to that beat, inflicted a deep scratch and warm blood gushed out. He had underestimated it indeed.