Journey to Groan part (II)

Two stray dogs appeared in a narrow lane on their left fighting over a haunted chicken, an Inn was on its section, and on the noisy board barely you could see the name of the Inn, almost vanished, "Wine Inn. Welcome".

Dogs were showing fangs and pulling the chicken with burliness to each side. In less than a second torn it up into two pieces out of hunger. Each of them got a part and ran to a dark corner baring it with claws for being assured no one can take it away from them. They were eating in lust of thirst. Seemed hardly had stolen this treasure from somewhere after days of hunger that you could see their ribs under that thin fur. "Poor dogs, they are spending hard life", Arno murmured.

They were watching dogs, but after all it was a hope that this town isn't desolated. Daniel dismounted, the sign on the door was showing, "Open", which meant they can enter in, but as he turned the doorknob it didn't move. He seek for any bell and found it on its right side. He doubtfully pressed it, not so sure if someone is still living there, but unexpectedly someone carefully mid-opened the door. His blue eyes looked around watchfully.

"We are passengers, can we get inside? The dusts still on our clothes we need foods and washing up." Daniel hopped.

The slouchy old man was very short the much that forced his neck roll up to look at Daniel, he saw fear in his eyes that proven him there has been a drastic rise of dread in this area which caused such silence.

"Yes, you can, but first take your horses to the cratch, it's dangerous out there don't waste time", pointed out to the stable part with his boney first finger which covered by spotty delicate and plica skin. It was near that narrow lane. Now the sounds of dogs barking and fighting over flesh shouted down and returned to previous annoying slack.

Keys scrunched inside the lock, they looked at each other in confusedness about how he has just behaved. As curiosity pushes a cat to edges of death hole they couldn���t wait more to hear the reason behind this infected terror even though that they were aware of what comes next.

"Girls, you go in we are fixing horses place first", Silman suggested and girls earnestly accepted.

They guided horses into that stable, water and clover poured in front of each. So these glorious creatures could feast with it after giving them a long ride.

"I'm sick of this, here is more like giant's marsh at any time you can expect them jumping out and smash your head between their big hands to eat up your brain". Arno described his feelings.

"What a heck mate? you just turned my stomach", Mohan disgusted and tapped on his shoulder, but Arno didn't blathered, just expressed his true sense through what he saw with his two eyes.

However they were vital fighters yet couldn't deny that here filled in a hollow atmosphere, why would these people hid like this? This question had only one answer: Monsters! But which one?

They returned to the inn. Girls had already seated couldn't leave to their rooms without knowing what had happened to this dead town.

No one else was there except a man, sitting in the corner, his legs leaned on window frame having outside under watch and his mouth covered by a mask. He had a deep wound print on his forehead. His curly hair braided up tightly. He reminded them haunters with his bow while grabbed it and squeezing its grip unaware of new guests or ignoring them! No one knew! Daniel couldn't help his pry.

It was warm inside, candles were sparkling and burning inside glassy candlesticks, giving a fine and peaceful sense which could warm your eyes.

As they took their place to take a sit, an old nice lady waddled beside their table. She had sweet smile on her puckery freckled white skin. "Welcome to our Inn spring chickens, I am Lora and he is my husband James, what do you prefer to have first?"

James looked more like a disgruntled pride man always nagging for every single problem, blaming everyone for all was going on! Just walked in to the kitchen without paying attention on Lora's greeting! And his wife simply ignored him, it sounded a bit funny like they were upset with each other!


As Lora treated very large hearted made them enjoy their meal in a warm peace. The passengers had hot soft mushroom broth first then rice and roasted chicken came afterward with a local beer drink boosted up their energy. Arno leaned back to top rail of his seat stretched out his arms and opined, "After a long time my stomach could pleasure such an amazing dish, Thank you Lora".

An eagerly smiled landed on her face while standing behind the counter, as they finished walked out to gather up dishes so called her husband James for some help.

"Please don't mention it son, I'm glad you're relished", she was near the table when she responded Arno.

"Don't you have any callboy to give hand?" Crystal asked surprisingly.

"Oh darling of course we have but his off to work now", she waved a hand in the air and intromitted dishes inside her tray.

"Why not we give you a hand?" Lorena pointed to girls and they followed her suggestion with a smacking grin.

James arrived back at the kitchen, but the table was already clean. He lazily smiled and said, "Oh, nothing left to help Lora, I'll wash them up".

"Can you give us a pleasure for talking a little bit?" Daniel asked very manly and the old man couldn't reject that kind request, took his sit on a chair near him.

Arno rose up his seat and stepped to Lora who now was joining them beside the girls, "Oh so you are traveling to Groan", seemed she asked the girls about where they are departing to.

"Yes my dear Lora we are about there," Arno answered instead, his left hand landed on her shoulder gently and leaded her to take a seat. "As your cookery was very delicious and a proof of hard work why don't you have a bit of rest beside us?"

She smile and tapped his face smoothly. "You are an amazing son, I would join you youths". He felt the thickness of callus on her hand, tears rolled into his eyes and a shine added into it made him look so innocent. Thought that life was rough to her.

Arno might not have the appeal of other men in body structure, more slim, but in manner he was one in million to those who are fortunate to get to know him.

Lora's cheek blushed after many years she felt the power of youth. A glimmer appeared on her honey colored eyes, straightened her shoulder as Arno pulled back his chair for her to sit.

Daniel was staring at the man who had soaked in his thoughts, just an unsought reaction. James cocked that and said, "Don't be concern about Jackson Aria, he is a gentle man, he had lost his son recently, actually he was the first prey of that monster".

"I thought he is a haunter", Mohan said.

"No, son he is a smithy", Lora replied.

Daniel's attention distracted by James, narrowed his eyebrows and asked, "Which kinds of monsters?"

The old couples' gaze met, "How many are there?"

"Oh, God don't tell me that this is a new kind!" Arno sighed.

"A winged one, it is like a huge bat, but a devilish face with two long horns," Jackson responded, the mysterious man found their conversation interesting, got up his chair and walked to them his rueful dark eyes sparkled seemed chasing for hope, "Haunters?" He asked not so sure.

Another monster meant a new challenge and of course trouble to face which was another life game would it be for or not? Of course not to them fighting unknowns!