Journey to Groan part (Iv)

The decision had made. Trapping the monster and soot it by fired arrows and roped spears to make it done they needed a back cover plan and Lorena was their plan B.

Jackson Aria joined their plan and already counting days to rip it in half with his own hands. He walked out of the Inn and went to the café that men used to gather for gambling and drinking. Arno and Mohan escorted him to make sure he won't stuck with any trouble. Daniel advised them to bring less and trustful ones.

They passed through lanes and avoided large streets, arrived to a small door. No board was hanging up there only on the wooden door you could see the written Café word.

Jackson knocked and a man dragged an ocular piece on the door, their eyes met, "Jackson? Hold on a second", he opened the door, and the heat slapped them on the face. There were men shouting on each other, coffee smell mixed with beer, smoke, sweated men and alcohol made up a stench smell. Arno covered his nose, "Oh man, we just entered to a pigsty, what a mess!" he whispered to Jackson.

"We got no business here, let's go to the second floor", he walked to stair way and they intensively followed him. They ascended up, hopefully these men were sitting in a proper condition just talking over life issues.

"Jackson, my mate where have you been since now?"

A huge muscular man stood up and welcomed him, "Zack I was busy for catching that monster and now we got a chance to haunt it down, I go straight forward… I need you man".

The bulky man pointed to Arno and Mohan, "Are they your chances," looking at them pitifully and pejoratively at the same time. "These are able to fight back? Huh look at their bony feature more like grubs toward the monster I saw".

"Oh sorry big slink, but do you know what we can do exactly? Should I teach you some manhood?" Arno responded back, Mohan aimed to stop him, but their nose already touched ready to be wrestled! It was going to be men showing their power not a serious fight due to hatred or personal problems although the sizes were very unfair!

The man went for his hips, but Arno passed it quickly the smirk on his lips made the man like a fire.

"Shall we stop them?" Mohan asked.

"No, let this young man prove himself to gain some men here", Jackson was waiting to see who is wining, thinking that if he can't win this bulky guy won't be able to overcome a monster.

As the expanded man seized him this time instead of making fun of him, jumped up, grabbed his right hand twisted it to the backward, a sound of a shoulder bone clenching could've been heard and beside that roars filled the café. Hooting this battle to bring more courage to their side. Zack thundered smashed Arno's stomach by his elbow, but couldn't afford to release himself.

Pain twisted in Arno's abdomen, but swallowed it and kicked on his knee where the tendon was. Zack fell on one knee grabbed his collar with the free hand and irritably threw him to the wall side. Arno managed his feet and hand and leaned on the wall like a cat twisted and made everyone wondering. His feet even didn't touch the floor and flew back to Zack and punched his throat vein and landed on the table himself. The café fell in silence.

"If you aim to kill me! I won't die alone", Arno roared.

Zack felt the dizzy and his vision turned blurry it wasn't a long fight, but this kid was a mastered warrior, knew which part he must hurt to stop a man. Jackson helped Zack to take a seat, didn't let him bent.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

He nodded released a breath, "This little kid is worse than a monster where did you found him?"

"God blessed us, they were passing by", Jackson said and lifted his head to Arno, "is he able to fight?"

"Don't worry I didn't hurt him to die he is fine just give him some water or juice!"

Another man rapidly passed him the juice mug in his hand, "Take this, he is as fast as wild cat".

"It wasn't your first time facing a man like him, was it?" Mohan directed to Arno.

"No, we always have the same problem, they ask for help, but testing us besides". He sneered seemed to be satisfied.

"You got trained from childhood, these skills won't appear just in a few years", Mohan guessed right and got even more interested in them.

Jackson turned to them and eagerly announced, "We got four men!"

Too satisfying from that place. Zach sipped the whole juice, cleaned his mouth with his palm and said, "What happened to those haunters?"

"No haunters, but prigs, they ran off", Jackson responded.

"Whoresons, I will draw out their guts", he urged.


It was midnight when they lashed a sheep to a tree on the hill. They concealed between rocks which were giving them an assorted point of view. Hours awaited there. Mohan couldn't be more patient and asked, "Are you sure that we are in a right place?"

"Yes, we lost many people right here." Jackson said.

Jackson was with Mohan ready to throw spears. Arno was covering Zack and the other three men. In the other side of the circle shape that they made Daniel and Silman were ready.

An abnormal wind made the yellow grasses trembling and the poor animal bleated.

"Did you see it?" Silman whispered looking up to the horrendous devil.

"Yes, we can't do anything yet it's up there, we need to let it sit," Daniel was looking at the Ghostly shaped creature. He couldn't waste the blue fire and arrows while being sure they won't hit it.

The demonic bat was flying on a circle line above the trap. It couldn't recognize the difference between human blood and anything else just used to suck blood to end its lust.

Slowly flew downward and sat on the ground. Arrows fired in less than a blink of eyes and got released before the bat dive its fangs to sheep's neck all from Arno's side. And the other two direction threw the spears which had ropes on their tails to nail the monster down on the ground.

The spears were sharp enough to pass that thick skin, ripped the legs and arm of each wings, but small arrows weren't able to harm too much. The demon was using its horn and wings to avoid them, scorning over and over besides screeching. But still useful to make it busy and the others got succeed. It was very quick and strong, pushed them to move closer.

Arno and Daniel drew the swords out while the others were struggling to keep it down. Their alive trap was bleating and attempted to hide behind a tree begging to be saved from those teeth. Arno beat the rope and promptly the animal scampered away.

The spears couldn't hang on as the monster was scrambling so before losing that chance they had to finish it with blades. It was as dark as nights with no moon, its bloody eyes were performing a deep fear. One of the spears ran out of its flesh. Suspenseful battle got to its edges. Silman tied the rope in his hand over a tree and strode to help them.

Daniel was struggling torn up the wings and got succeed to make a deep scratch on the left one. Arno worked on the other one, but still strong and released itself from the spears. Aimed to fly up, but the wounds went deep and the being smashed down on the ground, but stood on claws showing them rage.

Silman slipped on the ground and hit its legs rapidly and when he got up on his feet a wing beat him and got struck to a rock. The sharp spine on the tip of its wing scratched his chest…