Groan part (7): Pirate girl

Arno rubbed his eyes away from the girl with fiendish smile. Even from that distance he could realize how much she is enjoying the show she has played. She had learned intriguing against people who somehow obstructed her way in any situation.

If a misfortunate tree block a road she is passing by nothing can save that whole area from burning. Her roots got poisoned from her father side.

Arno aimed to shoot the black cloak masters. His gazes shifted to them, but no longer was able to release the arrow. Not even a blink he could afford. His eyes met the red bloody grimed eyes of a devil.

He was locked motionless. Each part of his body didn't obey the orders of his brain. It was cold and murk enough to make his hands shake.

His mouth turned dry and his head got logy. He supposed to think his brain mass expanded and became like a balloon, overgrew and about to fulminate.

A monster moved to the tree and pricked its trunk by those long claws. Pushing to ruin the tree. Daniel discovered the intention behind that, because Arno remained still like sculptures of Zooland castle.

"Aunt, go to him", he pointed out the tip of his sword to Arno.

Everin and Mohan were fighting one monster together, but her brother was the first priority, now she could understand what Lorena felt while they faced that bat.

"I can handle this", Mohan said.

She moved to Arno, her sword trolled and ripped the air. She was cursing underneath.

"You, motherf**er, just tend to kill my brother", while insulting, the shrill brim of her sword chopped the monster's spin. Blood poured out and illustrated the tree in green mucus. It roared, but you may wish it could feel the pain. Just got back on feet and tried to catch her. Its foreleg rose up and stood and back ones, tended to rip her to half with its nails, but she glissaded on muddy earth. Again hit it on the spin and made the wound even deeper.

The monster have hit her with backhand. She struck to a tree trunk. It seized, but she dodged. The claws left scratches on tree. She leaned to another tree to gain a breath to gift her some stamina. Her tongue licked the blood at the corner of her lips, sneered and spit the blood out.

The monster wasn't able to move on feet anymore as she cut its spinal cord. Fell on its bottom. It remain stiff and Everin got a chance to jump on its neck and infixed her sword into its throat. Its blood showered her face and a second later the first monster burned up to ash.

She has put her hand on her chest, yet in pain for the heavy punch. She freed a breath and looked up. Arno was dried like before. She bounced up the branches although the blood smell annoyed and disgusted her she had to ignore it anyways, no choice to clean up till they end filthy beings.

She acceded to his brother, but as her fingers touched his face blood raced in her veins. She followed his eyes direction, but immediately moved her gazes away. She blocked the eye connection by covering his eyes with her palm.

He arrived back to normal state, gasping, but his vision turned a bit blurry. She took off her hand and shook his arms. He could hear her barely. Seemed he fell in a forced mare. The colorful pixels gathered and made up Everin in front of his sight. But not a normal sister she was or a nice pleasant view, her face already messed up.

"You look horrible sister", Arno said.

"Oh really, you became a piece of stick and I had to come save your ass from getting eaten, you are so behind already!" She said and intended to hug him, but Arno stopped her.

Lina was watching eagerly while they were wrestling. This scene hand made to entertain her.

Arno got a tongue tie when he remembered the eyes, "Those are Red devils, my dear lord it is first time and it means…"

She nodded and agreed him, "Do you remember Daniel warned us not to stare in their eyes or your soul will be caught by them, he sent me I didn't realize you got stuck".

"I'm lucky to survive that lousy hell, Thank you, so let's refry their wickedness", he said and aimed, volleyed nonstop. Everin got back on earth. Her sternum damaged, but she ignored that stopple sore and got close to Lorena and Crystal.

Although Lorena got gifted by her divine mother, but trained well to fight without it by Edward and Atendor. She was protecting Daniel's wife.

"I'm assured that this little monster had done something to her brother," Arno caught Lina's eyes on himself.

He then shot an Imour which seized Lorena from backward. She was fighting another one. The arrow perched into a golden sign on its forehead and the monster keeled over the ground.

He figured out an atrophy as it went muzzy and Mohan went to its head and hewed it in a second. The battle gone too far as the monsters were mastering by red demons.

Everin was near to monster and learnt about that weakness so she moved for her arrow to give a hand to Arno. It didn't last when many of them converted to ashes.

Then sound of horns blew in the air. The three of black cloaks vanished in a sudden rush.

They were a gang of pirates with a noisy enter.

The ropes reeled over barbs, grabbed the branches and allow them to fly around. They used to make a unique cheer like sound, "Helelelel, helelele, huuu", routinely continued till they landed on earth.

The three remained Imour beings ran to the dark part of wood as if their masters left.

The pirates were looking at the team wondrously. You could simply discover that it has been a long time since they cleaned up. Itching their scull was a proof to that! They step aside to open a way for their leader. There was a young girl, clean and stunning unlike the others. She have worn a leather jacket and boots. Yes, she was Morwarid. The first unexpected pickup with the pirate girl had happened in Groan. So afterwards they became allies and unbreakable friends.

Arno jumped down the branch and said, "Wow, look I can't believe my eyes indeed, what we got here!" sneered then added, "New trouble makers? Or maybe pirates finally realized what a word like "help" means? You'll tell us!"