Groan part (10): Mother of a son

Zooland, lord of Groan who acclaimed to be a man of wisdom, then slumped to a hell he had established with his own seeds. His daughter was expecting Lug's child and he was unaware of it. He got deceived by them very easily.

He used to ignore villagers getting slaughtered by demons and then he ended up by the one he had made and fed with his own hands. The one who he was calling my child.

His frightened spirit stepped in a macule pathless world. He could hear the sounds of his coreligionists. Yes, kings and rulers who brought people nothing, but pain. They were growling that there wasn't a place of well-deserved kings' man, but the damnation for them was to face monsters of hell and find a way to run.

Zooland did this to himself. The glorious throne and castle or even thousands of men couldn't save him. He remained in the shock of that she was holding a high mass of grudge in her heart the whole time, but no wonder could be reasonable, she was daughter of himself and he trained her to become a beast!

At the moment Lina couldn't tolerate that her father wanted to pass the throne to son of another man. Even though he realized the truth chose Marcus. The days of past time when Marcus was born she felt more dearth of fatherliness.

Lina rolled her gazes to Arda who was standing down the stairs near Mohan's horse. She shouted, "Kill them all!"

Mohan already was dismounted, while she was busy killing her own father.

Arda at the same time murmured, "Beat me Mohan and take my sister with you, but I still hate you since you slapped her. I caused her many pains and now this little ogrishly lady is the queen".

"You should come with us," Dena muttered.

"I've got some unfinished business here", Arda replied.

The rules would say if a true child claim for a throne even the lord can't disagree so they can battle to death that one was another unfair one! Who cares for their personal issues? No one, not even guards.

As the queen girl yelled out the first order with pouring blood, out of a poky nisus Mohan drew out a knife, moved forward to Arda and as he released her, sat and ripped the back of his knees. Arda bent. Mohan dragged Dena with him couldn't deny that it was a relief to him. He deserved that although seeing his sister suffered by those psychos he remained there to hold the power he always wanted. It wasn't a dramatic movie that could be forgettable and feeling grief never brings freedom!

On the other side sentries were getting closer by the command. Arno and Daniel covered the two to mount up. Arrows landed near each foot and what else the guard could do while being in the shock of an unexpected arrived dusk, moving around like confused chickens which just lost their loving mother.

They rode out before letting guards get a chance to close the gates. And passed it. Everything went quick. Lina left her father's head on the ground with open eyes.

She got up and walked through the platform and ran up the narrow staircase to reach the pylon. On the way took a bow and quiver of a constable. She arrived on the wall in a breath. Arda knew what she is aiming to do so ascended up to stop her, picked his fallen dagger and hid it in his sleeve. He knew that she is very skillful in archery, not even moving targets were safe from her dreadful shots.

Lug's favorite mistress no longer was a kid who got caressed by Abalis. Her soulless existence was all they needed, but she had weaknesses that never talked about them and did everything to erase them up from her life.

She aimed and murmured underneath, "This woman of yours Mohan won't leave here alive until my father is dead because of her". She released the string, arrow whistled by ripping the air then demons handed and dived it to Dena's spine. Arda fell on knees, not able to lift a finger!

They sky turned red and that redness glowed on Lina's face. She got cursed by dive court. The court of skies fell in sorrow and wonder. The angel of sun wouldn't rise as she covered her face by thick clouds for the lost mother of a son. She sneaked behind them shamefully before even climbing up to the sky above them.

Dan stopped for a second and looked back. He saw Lina getting her leave down the wall after assuring that her shot caught the trap.

On the wall Lina turned to Arda and directed, "If you betray me there will be no better end because I'll kill you myself". Arda remained silent while his shoulders were shivering. The girl and her father dispersed them all. As she left he murmured, "I'll do the same to you, I'll kill you slowly my dear queen".

The riders arrived to forest path and went forth deep to dark side and stopped there. Mohan dismounted. The whole time of passing through road felt the frostbite of her motionless body on his back. No warmth of breath blew near his neck. She closed her eyes in peace like someone who didn't sleep for a long time and, when has gotten the chance hugged it between arms.

He cradled her and sat on earth, shouting and asking for grant, but a dead isn't able to respond the alive one with any sorts of sounds.

"I'm sorry for being an ignorant Dena, you are mother my son", he cried out in grief. The two of his companions remained there letting him cry. The unfinished and suspicious puzzle of his life got solved with a harsh end. Like what Arno guessed in each side a tooth got broken.

"Sometimes hiding the truth doesn't mean that you are an inveigler, but needs time to become understandable then you can accept it, because at the moment you are not able to find words to explain it!" Arno directed to Dan.

"He is in pain, I understand him, and I'd experienced this twice! But the truth always finds a way to leak out, may be by you or may by someone like Lina, if we knew it we had more options to keep her alive," Dan replied.

"So we won't let this happen again, Lug must wait. Now come help me to dig a grave." Arno said and got to work on it with his expanded dagger.

They had no more time, it was almost twilight when they finished, walked to him and tapped on his shoulder.

"We must bury her brother", Arno said.

He nodded and they graved her under an oak tree. They thought pirates may took their left as they got late, but they were right beside the harbor.

It was hard for Mohan to let his son know about his mother's death. He knew that boy. He could bear the truth, but not lies. Mohan had to keep him by his side so any lies would make the boy run away.