Jet valley 

Morwarid was still when she went on for more explanation, "An ancient demon god, it had risen from the deep of hell. But it needed to be awakened so who had done this? And who brought them out here? I'm sure it must be a gate they are passing. This case is a bit weird to me and we've gotten stuck to a gruesome hole, hard to escape up. A creature born to kill and a true killing machine. Knocking down Chimera is the toughest you did the best for sending Luisa to Belator. Maybe Stephen plotted against us."

A blurry gray wraith moved through fog and rain. Water drops ordered by Heaven lady to bang this demon. It was smashing the ground with its iron backward fangs. Hurting the earth. Even if they wanted to ignore the piercing roar couldn't witness that stir-about. The eye-opener phobia filled the air. Made noises and forced your body hair to change shape and become thorny punching your skin pores. Like someone hanged you up with short hair.

Atendor, Edward, Daniel, Arno, Silman, Mohan, Everin, Crystal, Morwarid, and Lorena. Ten people were waiting to meet the king of Elnan. They all gathered beside the window.

"We must draw it off the city", Edward suggested.

"Silman where is your hawk?" Daniel asked.

"In my room", he answered.

"How did it passed the walls? I don't think that this no winged giant be able to climb up." Arno complained.

Atendor walked back to the table, picked his stick up, and responded, "Better to say who allowed it in, son".

Arno whistled, "What a rain, I'm wondering why these devils appear all in dog and cat situations. Obviously studied how hard and harsh is that to us".

The old man got back to them, tapped on his shoulder, and added, "The one who freed it, for surely knew that we are here, we must finish it tonight before we see many dead bodies laid on the streets." He was standing ready to move.

"Till tomorrow it is going to hunt down many people, we need to take action now", Dan agreed his master weather was unbecoming for that weather. He shifted his eyes to Lorena and Crystal and warned, "You two stay here", as crystal gaped he added, "No combination is accepted, we need survivors", then blinked at her and she made him a face. But still not a time to let Lug discover about Lorena.

"Silman release the hawk", Daniel intended to find out where the monster will go after an excursion and slaughtering enough. So he sneaked up the stairs and brought the bird down. Its eyes were covered by a blinder to make sure it won't hurt itself or anyone else.

The rest were prepared to move out. Hunters were listening to them. Already heard of their fame. One of the men with a Cerace fangs scratch on his left side approached while carrying a wooden box in his hand and said, "I have enough of these dynamites, have kept for rainy days. Now you need them to save our ass".

Silman accepted that favor, "Thank you, brother".

"Don't mention it man", he answered.

Silman had to be careful while carrying them. And yet wondered that if there were some of these good hunters out there because most of them were just crafty.

Kind-hearted ones were the sign of humanity's hope. Deserved all the efforts they were putting on to help them. Anytime you receive more hope you'll become more willing to move forward.

The box was well watertight. They walked out in dark to the stable. Silman placed it in a pocket of caparison. Tightened, buckled it, and mounted up.

They rode after a screeching voice. Pouring already sealed people in their houses, but they found blood traces, flowing in the narrow rill. They tracked it and when the hawk screeched and flew to the mountain they noticed where the monster was going to hide after filling the thirst of killing.

They arrived at the end of the city. There was a butchered sentry laid there. Hands were parted off the shoulders. Legs on the other sides and his head rolled near a tree. The mouth and eyes remained wide open explained the last moment of his life. But it wasn't the only oppressive scene. There was a chap on the wall. Enough big for all monsters' kinds to pass through it and enter the city for making a blood pool. It didn't ruin itself for natural reasons.

Silman moved forth. Checked the margins and discovered the axes scotch left on plasters. Not too careful or it was a warn itself! And it was supposed to say someone had done this on purpose. Because no night watch you could see over there. Not even up the back walls! If it was a test so they had sacrificed a poor man for it. So beasty and cruel this case was. And it didn't plot by regular folk to have fun or take revenge. The person behind that thuggery was a big head.

Atendor was experienced in that case so he guessed someone allowed them in, but it could be a test and at the same time killing plan. Yes, maybe the brain behind it intended to kill these youths. His face was contorted with rage.

The team rode out to the Jet valley which was besieged by dark crusty mountains. Even their features cried out to be dangerous and dreadful. Soggy mud and murky right across them. More like a gate to hell. It seemed death with no spirit to rise again. Then abomination settled within it to fill the hearts and take them within. The blood trace ended exactly at the beginning of their head path.

They dismounted as noticed the fangs prints were fresh yet. A wooden piece broke under Eve's feet. It caught chimera's attention.

"Idiot Eve", she cursed herself and looked at others brazenly.

The triple being was up on rocks. Its forefeet were hooves of goat allowing it to climb up the rocks effortlessly. Consequently sprung down to where she was, roaring. Looked as if its bidding just came true. The great vision side had chosen by it. Obviously knew that they were chasing it. Thus, found the right place to attack. Arno drew out his bow and aimed. Water drops were hitting devil so he could get a good point of view, but this one was smart besides being fast. It covered behind a rock and his arrow went useless.