A vial of potion

-Previous night- Rescue plan.

In the dead of eve, a new moon weakly offered a simple light, seemed was supposed to do it by force. Just to show a face and please the sky's willingness.

Three men were riding forth in the dead of night. Their black cloak concealed them among darkness. No one could recognize them as long as having masks, covered their mouths and hoods embraced heads. They stopped near the huge gap where they tracked the chimera.

But still far to pass through it. The sentries were walking up on walls and puffing warm steam into cold air around them.

"Here is the east part of walls. We enter from here, but will rush out from that main gate". Dan went on.

"Dan I must tell you something," Mohan said, his expression was like those who were about to confess to a priest. Hoping may be forgiven!

"What is that?"

"I'm wishing to not disturb your mood!" Mohan contrived!

Hardly could bring the words out!