Farya (III)

The king confirmed Sarya's request and sent her away to earth. Atendor was the only one to verify whether this call was really from a good person. Anyways they didn't know Daniel that much. 

It could become a perfect opportunity for them to introduce elves to humans. So the king agreed when Sarya returned to castle. Everything was moving faster and the prince had a short time to keenly plan for the journey. Baring swords to face their enemies instead of sitting and waiting to be destroyed.

Jay and Kai asked Suran for accompanying him, but he thought it must be better they stay in Farya.

Kai although was more keen to join him accepted to be by king's side. The shape of life in Farya looked calm and in peace. Song of harps and flutes could've been heard around. Some sad, some narrating love stories.