Argon (II): Rage

The ocean was yet stormy. Clouds got closer and involved the brawl. There was no sign of strangers who dragged the boys out of water. The passing by the wind was slapping them on the face to wake them up forcing them to witness the war holding in the ocean. Cera has gotten sober and while coughing the water out, his eyes rolled around to seek Tae. Called his name but no answer he received. Finally, his eyes fixed on Tae who was laid motionless. The last thing he could remember was that he lost oxygen, went unconscious and the weeds grew over his body. Cera moved forward, sat beside him. He was breathing, shook his body.

"Hey, Tae wake… Tae, are you ok?" Again shook his body.

The prince's eyelids trembled and moved over afterward. He blew out the water in his lung, sighed, and confessed, "I thought we are done this time". Then again coughed.