Argon (V): Silver Snake 

The previous day had gone, but not peacefully. Tae eagerly wrapped up what he brought to this island. Stray king was serious and the time of exploring on that island had ended already. They moved through the path which could take them near the waterfall. 

There were dark gray lava rocks that new trees broke them and had grown among each layer. Throughout each cracks water was fluxing down. To reach the waterfall they had jumped through a gap with sharp edges. A wrong step or slipping down could cause harsh disability.

They arrived in a plain full of thatch. Pestering moths and bugs bit them. Daria was itching himself, dismayed by the dirty thickets. "ahh,shsh, no way! I can't handle this, too itchy, burning. It's like someone threw me inside an acid pool." Daria was nagging. 

Cera hissed him and stated, "Can you hear it? We are close".

Tae was moving his hand and pushing the bugs away, "I hear nothing but flies buzzing tune".