These are what we meant: Farya--Earth  

It was dusk when boys returned to the cottage among Ruby forest. Sarya brought them food and sat by the fireplace. Cera during having his meal peered at her and could not push back his brain from the question.

"Since we got back home something had been hanging over my head, and it is bothering me. Do you mind if I ask you?" He gently asked.

"Hmm, it depends on what the question is." Sarya could read their curious expression. Like always when the three of them gaze as kids who are looking for permission, it meant she has to answer or they will find another horrible way.

"It is about uncle Eral! Why king Iyan had sent away our uncle? What was between him and the princess?" Cera did not waste time and directly pointed on what he wanted. Sarya smiled and was wondering how patient they became and probed it after all.

"Yes, we couldn't ask him so can you tell us about him?" Tae mentioned.