Earth: Mission-Trap

Four of them were featured in front of the castle. Ara called out for the rest of the elves. The earth had been shaking because of giants' arrival, stamping their feet. Elves followed Ara's orders but were surrounded by hundreds of evil forces. Swords had unsheathed ready to use and clean the earth from those malevolent beings.

Demons were feasting that they could take many elves who stepped into their colony. Nevertheless, Suda made a border between them, stood on his back feet and fluttered his wings, and eased the way for them to leave there. However, there were more devils near the gate waiting for them. Yes, they were hiding to find the gate's coordinates.

Jay unleashed his entire arrows one after another to keep the ogres away. They were in the heart of contention and had no way but fighting to reach the gate.