Taramus: Shame    

At the time that everyone left the throne Hall only five persons remained there. Eral, King Sayan, Tamina, and master Jazoua. 

"Welcome back daughter," The nomad master said.

Tamina smiled and was glad that they joined them, having people like her could lighten her broken heart. 

King Sayan and Eral studied her emotions, tough the life became for her but was trying to swallow down this matter. 

"I'm afraid of what your brother said, princess Tamina. You must know that hatred would darken every heart and make the soul sleep. It may happen to anyone at any time." Eral's sympathy was lovely but it could not heal her heart as long as this hatred brought many deaths for a lot of innocents. Betria dangled with a psychotic reaction, his obsession grew as if venomous roots throttled everyone who was passing by him.