Taramus: Combat Zone

The locks had opened one after another. All the free guards followed their king to get out. Inside the powerhouse, there was an extra wall. From each angle, deep rakes proved that you can move the wall. In each castle of Taramus, there were secret ways for necessity situations. This one could be sealed but while prepared the cells Tamina avoided that. She believed that it could help the guards to be out in any natural occurrence. 

"The rakes have enough space for hands to pull it out. It only moves to this side." Princess informed.

"Can I push it from behind? That's a tunnel right?" Kai asked.

Tamina smiled for a moment forgot that what this elf is capable of, "Of course."

Kai left in a blink and found himself among a pure dark. Inside his boot's sole took out a small light crystal and looked around. He noticed the rakes on the left wall and began to push it.