Taramus: First combat (3): Call of wings

King Sayan and Eral were fighting Red demons. As the devil cloaked concealed under black fabric it seemed that the elves have been struggling with wraiths. 

The king vanished and appeared behind the Red, slashed him from behind. The lash in his hand burned right after the master changed to ash. Other elves were following their king's step and killing some of them. Nevertheless, he noticed the elves who he lost. Many of them were young and yet had a long way to become true combat elf. His heart ached for them. 

The bats arrived and carried a few of them up to the sky. The elf king turned to his counselor and cried out, "Lead your archers set them in curved lines and clean the sky with flames." 

The elves lined up near the Rocks to drag the flying bats down. Giving curve to each line allowed them to support each other. With each command, their strings dragged back, arrows released and sat on the targets, baths flared, ash sprinkled down and mixed with snow.