Taramus: Second combat (1)

Lario was glad to hear that from Tamina. "I love my father very much and I will give my life to see him happy. He is strong and I am trying to learn from him. I do not care that he always spoils me! But I will find out the reason one day without involving others, you know, it is about a man's honor! Penitence can make up as a shield that I use. But I will take revenge against Lug. He killed my best friend and I became lonelier." 

The princess tapped on his shoulder. "Would you stay here, in the castle with me? I need a brave man like you."

"Of course, my pride would be scratched if I let a stunning Lady be in danger. I would guard the next queen of Taramus." Lario shrugged.


Tamina and her father visited the queen who was unaware of what Betria had done. As they revealed it to her, the queen's heart got heavy. She had a farewell with her husband, not as a king but a regular man who was about to walk in the combat zone.