Earth: All alone

In the dead of night, a savage gale hit the window and unlocked it. Similar to a blind bird trolled around. Lyra was sitting at a table, put down the paper, and left her seat. She walked to the raided wind side, which made the curtain like a wraith. Her hair flew behind her. 

The half-bleed girl reached her hand out and hardly slammed the window. Her hand was yet on the handle when she discovered a white-cloaked person. The stranger was sparkling like a fallen star, which had lived beyond those clouds in the dark sky. She got goosebumps and knew what that meant to say. This person was waiting for her, already could sense the gazes on herself. Her common dream with prince Suran scrolled over her head. Yes, the truth hurts when it comes surprisingly. She got to change, wrapped up her bag, and took her to leave. Lyra ceased behind the boys' room and murmured, "I will get back soon, but not alone. I promise you, boys." 
