Earth: Eminour_fulfilled oath

The stunning Lady was amazed, peered at them out of surprise. 

"I apologize for disturbing you at this time. But we are friends of your husband. You must be Arora?"

Tae greeted but forced himself to smile and make the stunned young woman feel better. However, it did not work that much as she was gazing at them without blinking her eyes. Her blue eyes glinted; her hand yet froze on the door handle. 

"I am Mona, and you are looking for my sister. She is inside the cote." She was thinking; what are they exactly? Quickly shoved it away and added, "Follow me." she picked her coat up and wore it on her tunic. 

She came out, slammed the door behind, and marched to the sheepcote on the right side of the cottage. The girl entered in but the elves paused in the small doorway. They bent their head and then moved in.

A woman and her very young daughter were milking a goat and singing a song. Sara had a heavenly voice weighed in her mother's vocal.