Earth: Eletron- Lash

Morwarid picked out an arrow and dived it into the lantern oil on the margin of the fountain. She was glad that the wick was still alive. The nock flared and she swiftly placed the arrow in her bow and pulled the string.

Right after she unleashed it, flying objects glowed, shuttered, and in small range exploded on the ground. Oil and water mixed and made up borders. Cerace beings hated that because their oily skin would attract every flame and could make them grill. Yet, some of the oil glass hit them and they rushed among others let their own type burn at once.

As their neat row got messy again, the path for Eria smoothed to hunt down the Imour beasts. His blades took three of them under siege right at the same moment and tattered them all. He satisfyingly smiled, as their power would work there.