Earth: Airson- Erdimour castle 

The sky lightened as if it was daylight. Every monster that touched the blue flames flared, ran away, but did not survive and Ash followed them.

The roars of men begged for life changed to monster's screech. The card had turned and those who were frightened held themselves back together. 

A new gang of bats seized, took the men between claws, and pulled them up then released them among Cerace beasts.

"We shall help the Phoenix." Roha directed to Morwarid and Luhan who were fighting right near her.

Eria was putting down the Imour devils before they got a chance to hunt down other men.

Roha heard the river overflow. The spear in her hand swirled; the water boomed up, made up giant soldiers, which could reach the sky.

 Luhan and Morwarid covered her so she smoothly moved and led the new warriors. The new water beings obeyed the order of their master and let the demons taste the frozen spears.