Earth: Erdimour- Elves arrived

"The sun had settled in the sky, those dwarves can't trust us easily. They are in pain." Angel explained the reason for their unexpected emerge and leave. 

Some sunlit hues slipped out of some free space that clouds left behind. They all had spent a hostile night. Appreciably, it ended and darkness decreased for a while. Closing her eyes, Roha sensed the warmth, let herself enjoy that hint of light. However, soon it shrunk weaker, slimmer, and again clouds had seized. 

Frustration had predominated on Lorena's body. She opened her eyes but everything blurred. Sensing the soft feathers brought comfort into her heart. 

"I will take you all to the castle," The bird said.

"Aren't we heavy?" Luhan asked.

"No, humans are! You are not humans. We shall go now." She led them to mount up and as she guessed, they were as light as Lorena was. Gladly, they didn't disturb angel.