Earth; Belator- Siege 

The night was cold like a thin lace on bare skins. The cold air was rushing on skins without any noise but fear paced the heartbeats. Eyes were rolling watching around in terror. Belator knew that a hideous storm was on the way and it would devour them if they hesitated. 

Jay didn't fond of that silence. His thoughts were reeling over The Groan quietism, not Elnan. He studied Stephen's plan. They wanted to make Belator lands knee by the two-sided attacks. He had to check something alone, the solitude near the gate was told that they had moved and kept the army in Groan that was why they left the gate with no guard in ease.

He secretly met Daniel and King Sethia and asked them to let him go to the Goran to spy until gaining some information. Dan disagreed quickly. He saw how cruel Lina was, she didn't spare her own father, and she wouldn't doubt to kill Jay if she caught him. Or would pass him to Lug.