Earth: Atendor 

Earth: Erdimour- Two days later...

Tae unrolled the map on the table. 

"What do you think Dan, about all I said?" Tae asked.

Dan peered at it carefully. "Shall we catch another dark magician?" 

"I can't be more agreed! I would be glad to empty my rage on one of them! One like that witch!" Cera keenly confirmed. 

Daria walked to the window and stated, "from now on I would rather stay in caves and spend my night instead of going to an Inn." He couldn't forgive himself for Dorthon's death.

"Pick the map and talk to Jay. He is in the smithy, talking to Edward."

They ascended the stairs and before reaching there a familiar voice said, "Athor?"

Tae turned back and saw James Darin who he knew as Jimmy! 

"Jimmy," Tae said.

"Yes, sorry I forgot to call you, prince Taeyan." He approached.

"Just call me Tae."