Demon’s world- a shock

"Mom, to be honest, father is fine, but about my brother, I don't know where he is now." Suran led her to sit where the light could reach his mother's face. 

She frowned and said, "Didn't you find him? How don't you know?" 

"Please don't get panic, we found him, but sixteen years later! Aunt Sarya and master Atendor found him. He has becoming look like me, at least people say that. Yesterday, we were on a mission to save Guardian Carina. They caught me and I don't know what happened to others. Actually, a traitor admits us has been ruining our moves. We lost minister Maina because of him." Suran blurted and it was too late to wrap it up. 

The queen stood straight, she began to walk along the cell and chains wiggled behind her. 

"My poor little baby, he spent a harsh life," her thoughts were twisting and aching her head. She was murmuring to herself and striding back and forth like a frightened hen. She broke off still.