Demon's world: The bubble Fold

To run away from subdued pixies, it was too late. They had worn Raven black armors, covered their faces with tree barks. The queen was surprised, their eyes were not red like the ones she had met once. But the informs were similar.

The squad took the deserters under siege and pointed their spears against them, lights were sparkling at the top of each. They made a way for someone who could be their commander. The fairy flew further and peered into their faces one after another and halted in front of the queen.

From the curves and the body shape, it cleared that was a girl. She drew her mask away and they saw the green face behind it. Her silver eyes blazed.

"Queen Taya, why are you still here?" She asked.

  "Princess Teria, why are you wearing these uniforms, I was scared and thought that you are brawlers of Lug."