Pixie world: Thrones 

The forest king replied to her. 

"Did you see our friend? The young elf is with him now." The king stated.

Lyra had no idea that Suran might be there. The friend he was talking about could be Suda. 

"No, your highness, I didn't see them yet." The dwarf was stunned and didn't realize that they were talking.

The king drew his eyes to the moon.

"My friend said that you are the most powerful being in Dreamworld, but why don't you fight?" Lyra was amazed.

"We were waiting for the moon rise! We are ready to fight now." 

Lyra couldn't get his point! The moon could appear every night! 

Zadove found himself back to presence. "The moon rises? Wasn't it there in the sky?" 

The king turned on it and let it glow on his eyes.

"After one thousand years, this is the first moon in Dreamworld! Before you leave here, you must do something for this world." The king went on directly.