Earth: Punishment 

Slipping down the way, Lyra was sure about another way that could lead them inside the dwarf world. The wicked Rolla recouped how Suran's treat him. In the end, they saw a light splash that meant they would land soon. But how and on what? It wasn't clear.

  Suran afforded to reach a hand out, caught Lyra, and tightly grabbed her between his arms. As he guessed, it was a rough fall when he hit the ground on the back. His face like a missing child, pale and frightened. His eyes were closed and made Lyra smile.

"Waky-waky, Suran. We have arrived." She mentioned. Her face was close to him.

He opened his eyes; the ceiling above was beautifully built and got a reticular shape. A stone city underground it was. The golden sculptures had placed beside each pillar. The dwarf coughed and Lyra noticed that she wasn't in a proper position. She frowned and hastily jumped up, rubbing the dust away she glanced at the smiling dwarf. 

"I will remember this." She menaced.