Earth: Beyond everything (6)

"Did you tell her about who her mother was?" Tae asked. 

"No, I couldn't interfere! I think my mother should settle this one! A strong feeling is telling me that she is alive. I lived with her and she is a true angel. They won't leave her to die." Doxia said.

"You mentioned four immortals, who are they? Tell me about them. I never heard about any of them!"

"They are the ones who got blessed to live until the end of Earth! Actually, to me, it is hard to accept! That's too long. They are messengers and you might meet them but you wouldn't recognize them. They come to you if you need them. The one that I know has a strange story with my mother."

"What is it? Maybe it can help us find your mother! I am curious to see who raised the Doxia we were looking for! That is perfect that she found you before everyone else." Tae declared.