Earth: Last Battle (1)- A killing

The two dwarves halted near Tae who was ready to leave with his troop. Rolla was dismayed to follow his commander.

"Prince Tae, are you here? We are glad to see you again. Actually, we have something to say." Doniyo said, ignoring Rolla's frown. 

"Yes, it is about the things we made an oath for! They don't belong to me at all!" Tae answered.

Doniyo hovered forward. "No, sir! We are fortunate that you are alive! Please forget about that and forgive our greedy behavior! We will pay our debt by going to the demon gate.

Tae bowed his neck and knelt toward them. The braveness that they were showing was unbelievable. "I am very grateful for everything you had done for me! Because of your favor, I gained something valuable." 

Rolla finally smiled that they could gain the elf's satisfaction.

Tae got up and joined his friends that were by the side of Doxia.