Chapter 1

I remember that wonderful moment,

  you appeared in front of me,

  like a short-lived phantom,

  like a spirit of pure beauty.

  In the torment of hopeless sorrow,

  in the noisy illusory troubles,

  your gentle voice rang in my ears for a long time, and

  I still saw your lovely face in my sleep.

  Many years have passed, and the

  violent storms have

  dispelled the dreams of the past,

  so I forgot your gentle voice

  and your elf-like shadow.

  In the remote country, in the dark life of imprisonment,

  my years are quietly passing away.

  There is no lover, no poetic soul,

  no tears, no life, and no love.

  Now that the mind has begun to wake up,

  you have appeared in front of me again,

  like a phantom in the blink of an eye,

  like a spirit of pure beauty.

  My heart is jumping in ecstasy.

  For it, everything is awakened again.

  There is a person who

  loves it, with the inspiration of poetry, with life, tears, and love-

  Pushkin "To Cohen"



we are young, we often don't understand what love is.


I was young, I thought that love can surpass everything. At that time, I didn't understand that there is another power in the world called 'destiny', which can only be endured and cannot be changed.


I sang "I Love You More Than I Can Say" in the empty bathroom of the school, I didn't know that such a story would happen to me one day.

The first time I saw him was on a bloody occasion, Odessa, Ukraine.


  There will no longer be such a moonlit night, with blurred light, through the gloomy woods, pouring the quiet brilliance, faintly and faintly illuminating the beauty of my lover——

  Pushkin "Moon"

  "2, 3 , 4..." I put my hands in the pockets of my coat, staring at the beating floor count, subconsciously counting in my heart, and my palms were oozing sweat from the inexplicable fear.

  The old elevator made a creaking noise and climbed up layer by layer with difficulty. On the display panel of the elevator car, only the tenth floor is lit with red lights. This is the floor I am going to. Obviously, it is also the destination of another person in the elevator.

  I don't know why I always feel that there is a dangerous and nervous atmosphere on the man opposite.

  The man was dressed neatly, but his clothes were obviously out of shape as if they were temporarily borrowed. The glance he walked into the elevator to look at me can only be described as murderous, and my blood almost dropped to freezing point.

  I looked at him secretly, he seemed to have a sixth sense, his eyes immediately turned and fell on me, his brown pupils reflected the ceiling light, and it was suffocatingly cold.

  I looked down nervously, looking away, just hoping that the elevator would stop quickly.

  This twelve-story building is located next to the "Ten Kilometer" market in Odessa. Except for the nearby Arab, Romanian, and Polish people, 70% of them are Chinese merchants in the market. And the strange man in front of him, from his facial features to his clothes, is obviously also a Chinese.

  At this time, the indicator lights on the seventh floor began to flash, and someone called the elevator on this floor.

  When the door opened I saw a pair of men's black moccasins, walking up to me. A corner of the camel-colored windbreaker ironed and attached to the dark gray trousers.

  There was one more person in the small space, but the uneasy atmosphere eased. I did not look up, but quietly let out a long breath. Seeing the newcomer, I reached out and pressed the number "12".

  When the tenth floor arrived, I leaned close to the elevator door and waited for it to open slowly. While arranging the reasons in my heart, I wondered how to explain the reason for being late with Peng Weiwei.

  Things took a turn for the worse at this moment.

  I was so shocked that I couldn't remember many details afterward. I just remember the darkness in front of the door opening.

  I haven't reacted yet. I was dragged by someone and threw it out of the elevator. The back of my head hit the opposite wall heavily, and the Venus appeared in front of me.

  When my vision returns to clearness, my body has long lost its ability to respond. Only the shadows of sticks and kitchen knives waving up and down were visible in his sight. The human body was struggling and rolling on the floor, a mess of flesh and blood, and what was presented before him was a brutal killing a hundred times more real than a gangster movie.

  I started screaming, crawling to the side with my hands and feet, but I couldn't avoid the splashing flesh and blood. I cried loudly, shivering all over, like a childhood nightmare, except for the crying, there is no other way to escape from the nightmare.

  A certain household was alarmed, the door of the house opened and closed, and the owner's altered scream echoed in the corridor for a long time.

  The faraway police sirens are loud, converging here from all directions.

  Someone yelled: "Police! Go!" It was a plain Chinese accent from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

  More than a dozen black shadows quickly scattered among birds and animals and threw down the blood-stained murder weapon. There was a pool of bloody rotten flesh lying motionless on the floor, and the human form had long been indistinguishable.

  At that time, I didn't know which of the tendons in my mind had the wrong thread, so I immediately silenced, rolled over, and got up, my eyes were locked on the bright red, unable to move a bit, and I subconsciously wondered what the original organ was here and there.

  When I was watching with gusto, my eyes suddenly darkened and the dazzling red disappeared. I closed my eyes and smelled a faint scent of tobacco mixed with leather. It took me a long time to learn that someone had put a placket on my head.

  A voice was attached to my ear, and he said softly in Chinese: "Tell the police, you didn't see anything, understand?" This is my last memory of the scene.

  When my memory can be connected to the tenon again, the person is already at the police station.

  The uniform of the Ukrainian police is a dark gray-blue color, which is a bit like the color of a certain domestic railway uniform.

  There is no good impression of the police in China. When I arrived in Ukraine, in addition to the ears and eyes of my compatriots, the greedy face of the customs police when I entered the country gave me a 50% discount on my first impression.

  I turned my head and looked around, and found that I was in a closed interrogation room with only a long table, two chairs, and bright ceiling lights, which made me a little dizzy.

  The cerebral cortex became active, the memory gradually recovered, and the bloody scene returned before me. I buried my head in my arms and tried to control, but couldn't stop the shaking of my body, and the chair creaked.

  The police on the opposite side didn't have the slightest pity for Xiangyu, so he coughed and began routine interrogation in English.


  "Mei." I held my forehead barely perfunctory.

  "Family name?"



  "People's Republic of China."


  "Student of Odessa National Conservatory of Music."


  I reported my current residential address. He frowned, "Why doesn't it match the address on the visa?" Although his voice is blunt, English pronunciation is a rare standard, not better than the average Ukrainian, speaking English like a mouthful of vodka.

  "Because no one told me during the visa that the tenants also included cockroaches and mice." I was impatient, frowning, and looking at him, "Don't you ever live in a student apartment?

  His tight face was slightly loosened, and his teeth revealed a trace. Smile. I just noticed that sitting opposite is a handsome Uzbek guy. Under the brim of his hat, he has deep eyes, like the black sea under the sun, and the blue is clear.

  This gift-like smile is like the sun behind the dark clouds. , Showing his face in the gaps and disappearing quickly, the questions behind began to get sharper.

  "I didn't see anything. "Faced with his compelling question, I only had this sentence back and forth. In fact, I did not see anything. My limited Russian practice was only enough to support my grammatically correct and clear pronunciation of this sentence.

  And that rich A magnetic voice kept lingering in my ears, "Tell the police, you didn't see anything, understand? "

  I tried my best to recall the other characteristics of the man, but I couldn't remember anything. The picture in my mind was only the brown windbreaker. When I

  was finally sent out of the police station, it was midnight. In front of me was Peng Weiwei's picture. An impeccably painted pretty face.

  "Zhao Mei, you are really fateful. "She greeted me with a smile, but the focus of her eyes was not on my face, she stared straight behind my back.

  I turned my head, and it turned out that there was the tall handsome policeman behind me. No wonder Vivi looked like Winnie the Pooh seeing honey, two The round apricot-core eyes narrowed into two crescents at the moment, and they are completely worthy of the words winking like silk.

  "Miss, you forgot your passport. "This kid is probably accustomed to seeing women's obsessive eyes, and he doesn't care about Vivi's surprise, but

  he stretches out his hand to me calmly. In his palm, there is a brown passport.

  I took the passport and flipped it. I turned it over, then put it in his pocket, nodded in thanks, and took up Weiwei's hand, "Let's go. "

  She was very upset, trying to get rid of my control, "Why are you so anxious?" "

  I want to ignore her, feeling a little bit grumbling in my heart. If it wasn't for her to buy down jackets with her, I wouldn't rush over after class and run into this kind of bad luck. At this moment, I just want to leave the police station as soon as possible, but the bloody scene in the afternoon is lingering in front of my eyes, my heart is nauseated, my legs are weak and I can hardly take a step.

  Seeing my uncomfortable expression, Weiwei immediately closed his mouth obediently and reached out to support me.

  "Miss Zhao," Honey reminded from behind, "Your visa is about to expire soon and needs to be renewed as soon as possible."

  I looked back at the sign building of the Olympic Police Department. I was a little confused. Why did I come here? The sky full of stars disappeared before my eyes.

  When I woke up, everything was white.

  I came up with something that anyone who has been unconscious for more than two hours would say: "Why am I here?"

  Peng Weiwei squeezed my face, "Little girl, you ran into a gang fire and merged, and you weren't killed. Now I can hear and see that my limbs are sound!" I frowned and formally expressed disgust.

  Peng Weiwei is my classmate at the High School of Music. At that time, I majored in piano and she majored in vocal music. A girl who turned out to be very delicate and elegant, less than a year in Ukraine, became full of vulgar words.

  But wait the gang fires? All my memories came back in an instant. I looked at her, curled up slowly, and cried out uncontrollably, "Mom...Mom..." It was still as useless as when I was a child, but whenever something bad happened, the first reaction was to look for it. my mother.

  "Doctor! Doctor!" Weiwei hugged me at a loss and shouted at the nurse.

  The arm was pressed hard, and there was an icy cold and a tingling pain. Gradually, I couldn't cry and started choking intermittently, and then fell asleep, probably because of the effect of a tranquilizer.

  A few days later, the local newspaper published a large photo of the scene. It turned out that it was not only me but also the citizens of Odessa, who had the honor to witness a hot scene that was rare in a century. On the day of the incident, dozens of police cars were on the verge of an enemy, surrounding the entire building. Numerous media gathered around the Chinese market as if they were so excited. After all, the citizens of Odessa are simple and honest and have not encountered similar vicious cases in many years.

  The police initially suspected that it was a vendetta by the two gangs, but it is ironic that the police in half of the city, after going through a coarse sieve and a fine sieve in a twelve-story building, searched it over and over again, but did not catch a real suspect. In the end, a dozen suspected witnesses were taken away.

  It is said that another Chinese man and I were the two witnesses closest to the original scene. This is understandable, why the Austrian Police Department will pursue me. As for the time when the fault occurred in my memory, I obviously missed the most lively, historical, and dramatic moments.

  Tell Weiwei about the situation at the scene. She tilted her head and thought for a long time before answering. The man's advice to me should be kind. If I don't keep my mouth shut with the police, once I get a grudge with the gang, there will be endless troubles...

  In those few days, I was often in a trance, replaying the man's voice in my mind over and over again, curiously guessing what kind of person he was.

  After being discharged from the hospital a week later, I took another day off at home. After I packed the piano scores and books for school, I suddenly thought of visa matters, and my heart sank slightly. Because I had to go to the police station again, the place that would recur in nightmares.

  Coming out of the immigration office of the police station, my mood was indescribable. Kicked the golden leaves all the way all the way, just want to shout twice to dispel the depression in my heart. Unexpectedly, unintentional negligence would cause such fatal consequences.

  Three years ago, I graduated from the famous Music High School in the capital. I have been doing very well in my major. During the college entrance examination, I was greedy for a bowl of spicy and spicy soup. I had a stomachache for three days. Naturally, I was in a mess when I was a child. The conservatory missed.

  I did not want to obey the distribution, nor did I want to go back to high school and suffer twice. From then on, I became a vagrant and problem teenager in the eyes of my parents. After half a year of leisure, the classmate introduced a job. Every afternoon I play piano in the lobby of a four-star hotel, earning barely enough income to support myself.

  After swaying like this for two years, I am completely tired of the life of setting the scene for other people's clothes and temples. My ultimate dream is to be able to enter an art academy in France or Austria for further studies. But my parents are just ordinary engineers in a certain design institute. Their family background is not well-off. The high tuition fees and the high rate of refusal are all prohibitive.

  It was not until Peng Weiwei sent an email from Ukraine that Odessa was blown away, and coupled with the clever tongue of the study abroad agent, I finally moved my heart, relying on the limited savings of my parents, I held a short-term stay three months ago. Entered with a temporary visa and became a preparatory student at the Odessa National Conservatory of Music.

  Before leaving, I lay on the world map looking for the location of Odessa. For Ukraine, I only know that the blue-eyed Paul Kochakin was a Ukrainian, and Zhukov, the marshal of the Soviet Red Army during World War II, was also Ukrainian.

  Odessa is located in southern Ukraine, on the coast of the Black Sea. It was once the most important seaport city in the former Soviet Union. It was founded in ancient Greece. From here, you can reach Romania, France, Greece, Italy, and Turkey by boat. The official language is Ukrainian, but the popular market language is Russian.

  The Odessa National Conservatory of Music is one of the oldest music higher education institutions in Ukraine and a member of the Association of European Music Schools. I hope this is just a compromise. After two or three years, I can use this study experience as a springboard to obtain visas from other EU countries.

  But this dream has just been crushed by the dull immigration official. He lazily told me that because the residence address of the visa application materials does not match the current address, if I want to renew the visa, the school must issue a residence certificate for the student apartment.

  I said: "I'm sorry, I have moved out of the apartment."

  "There is no way." He shrugged, expressing his helplessness, "The law requires you to provide proof of residence that matches your visa address."

  "What idiot rule is this?" I wondered, could it be impossible to live in Uzbekistan for ten years and move back to the place of residence ten years ago in order to renew the visa?

  "Or, you can move back to the apartment." He really gave me such a bad idea.

  Fuck you uncle! In a panic, my Chinese foul language show blurted out, but he couldn't understand it anyway. The bureaucratic style of the former socialist countries is exactly the same as that in the country.

  He spread out his hands blankly and said solemnly: "Otherwise, you can only go back to the country you came from."

  I hate to cross the table and strangle him to death. At this moment, it is no longer until my visa expires. To ten days. The student apartment is overcrowded. Where can I keep a vacancy?

  But the consequences of not renewing the visa as scheduled, he also made it very clear that from then on I will become an illegal immigrant, that is, a "black". The change from black to legal immigration depends on personal luck. It is not an unsuccessful precedent, but the time and money spent is no less time and effort than re-application.

  I went back to school in a daze. I spent an afternoon in the apartment management department, but I didn't get any results. I had no choice but to wander back along the seaside boulevard listlessly.

  I was dangling on the road like sleepwalking. I began to seriously consider the funeral. If I can't get the renewal, what should I do next?

  When I passed a three-way intersection, I couldn't imagine it. I didn't notice that a coupe suddenly rushed out of the diagonal stab. When I realized the danger, I couldn't avoid it, and my brain went blank for an instant.

  In the harsh braking sound, the front face of the sports car stopped close to my left body. I stood stupidly in the middle of the road, forgetting how to move my fingers.

  The driver may have been frightened as well. It took him a long time to pat the door of the car and rushed down. He almost touched my nose with his finger and asked loudly in Russian: "You! What's the matter?"

  I looked up and saw that A beautiful and arrogant face, the face of a Chinese man.

  The anger that I had endured for a day suddenly broke out at this moment, I raised my backpack and smashed it over, yelling in Chinese: "You fucking hit someone and you are so awesome, who are you? You are amazing with a BMW. Do you have the ability to go back to China presumptuously and act like an uncle on other people's land? What a thing!"

  The man was obviously taken aback by my shrew-like attack and took two steps back to avoid the scattered debris in his bag. for a Chinese response, "yo ho, a very delicate little girl, how so throwing it? aisle does not look at the road, you have handled you! Oh, also hit, believe it or not, I fight back?"

  I'm a little broken broken jar Falling, he simply carried the play to the end, and rushed to his face, "Okay, you pay it now, you are a grandson if you don't fight back!"

  He stared at me with a strange expression across his face, as if surprised. , And then suddenly, and then laughed, "Sure, you're amazing, I'm really gone today!" The

  backpack belt was held in his hand, I squeezed it twice, but it didn't move, I stared fiercely. While looking at him, he was smiling, his eyes patrolling unscrupulously on my face.

  The other side of the car door opened, and a hot local girl twisted out of the car, leaning on the car door curly and calling him: "Mark, get in the car." The voice dripped sweetly.

  The temperature in Odessa in mid-October is already quite low. She is still wearing a tube top and a leopard skin skirt, her slender waist and long legs are completely exposed to the cold autumn wind. I'm not afraid of freezing to death, I curl my lips.

  Girls in this dress can be seen everywhere in the streets of Odessa. They all have amazing beauty. They started their debut at the age of sixteen or seventeen. The target group was Chinese and Arab businessmen living in Odessa. At the same age as a flower, when a foreign girl was most beautiful, her milk-like skin and petal-like lips were like a young girl in Raphael's writings, but she was sold very cheaply. Twenty dollars can accompany someone to sleep overnight.

  Those Chinese businessmen who are immersed in the powder formation are already reluctant to think about it. They call themselves the "Daqing Artillery Team". "Daqing", of course, refers to China, but the word "artillery" can only be understood. While driving on the streets and rambling, Cappino Casino spent a lot of money and the same group of people who talked unclearly.

  Hearing the voice of the female partner, the man smiled at me, released his hand and walked over, put his arms around the girl's waist, and said something in her ear, she laughed loudly and looked at me with one glance.

  I squatted down silently, one by one, I packed up the things that were rolling all over the floor. The soreness came straight up from the bottom of my heart, and my eyes were suddenly blurred. I don't understand why I want to leave my parents, give up the warm and comfortable home in Beijing, come to this shabby place and be embarrassed everywhere, and be bullied by such scumbags.

  Tears pattered on the shoe, I took a bit of anger, wiped it off with the back of my hand, and said to myself: It's a big deal to go home, what can I cry, Zhao Mei, you are really useless!

  "Hey, your name is Zhao Mei." A pair of brown suede boots stood before my eyes.

  Suddenly, my heart beats vigorously, and the sound is so familiar, it seems to have been engraved in the depths of memory. I raised my head and looked all the way down my jeans and suede jacket, the dead boy was holding my passport in his hand, looking through it with relish.

  I grabbed it and stuffed it into my backpack, stood up, and left. Impossible, I muttered in my heart, but it was just an accidental resemblance. How gentle is that voice, how could its owner be so shallow and vulgar?

  "Hey, hey, I said," he yelled after chasing behind, "don't look at me. If you have beaten me, just shake my hand and leave. Who will count the medical expenses in the future?"

  "Go to hell!" I said then turned my head back viciously.

  The embroidered pillow that grows so big is the embroidered pillow. I hugged my school bag and ran away. At this moment, I felt that the world was gray. Although the world was big, there was no place for me. The tears were no longer under control, and they fell back and forth, so I cried all the way into the house.

  Back in the apartment shared with Peng Weiwei, I was exhausted and fell on the bed.

  Peng Weiwei has always dated odd numbers and rarely stayed at home, but today she unexpectedly did not go out. When she heard the movement, she came to see me with a face mask muddled.

  "Zhao Mei, what's wrong with you?"

  I pulled the quilt over my head, "Don't bother me!"

  "What's your temper? Come, tell me..." She crawled onto the bed and pulled off the quilt, pulling my face hard.

  I was so sad that I was rubbed by her, so I had to tell the truth.

  "Hey, it's just such a mess, are you so worried?" After hearing my experience, she was quite disapproving.

  I turned over and said, "Of course you don't care. If I was sent back to the country like this, my father would break my leg."

  "Come on, leave it to me and look at you like that." She pushed me, "A friend is Specializing in this business, I'll ask him to help."

  "Really?" I saw a little hope, and a little cheered, "How much money do I need?"

  "Oh, you are so boring, vulgar! I let him

  I'll pay for myself, right? Don't hang my face anymore." I sat up, my depression gradually dissipated, and started to care about nosy, "What about you monsters? Why are you not seeing any of them today? Everyone recognizes your essence and begins to correct the evil. Is it?" Peng Weiwei has so many boyfriends that I am dazzled.

  "Who said that?" She took my passport back to her room, laughter came through the crack of the door, "You have no confidence in me."

  Conscience said, Weiwei is really a beautiful girl in the attached middle school Shi is well-known, and there are often infatuated little boys who are at the school gate unimpeded in rain or rain, just to look at her. It's a pity that she met with bad manners. Two years ago, she followed her boyfriend to the country and came to Ukraine. Unexpectedly, the man became obsessed with gambling. The Casino Caccino owed a large sum of money to others and couldn't pay it. Abandon her cruelly and evaporate.

  I don't know what happened to Weiwei, or how she survived the days of being blocked every day to collect debts. When I met her at the Kiev airport three months ago, I was surprised by the schoolgirl that year, her face is still pretty as before, but the accumulation of eyebrows is the vicissitudes of a girl of this age.

  She is no longer the charming and innocent girl of the past. The men surrounding her at the moment, all of various conditions and backgrounds, all have the same characteristics: they are rich and willing to spend money for her.

  The apartment we live in is located near Zilibati Street, the busiest street in the city. Originally she lived alone. After I came, I occupied a bedroom. The two shared the living room and kitchen. For a symbolic monthly rate, she only charged me eighty dollars.

  I feel sorry. Because the monthly water, electricity, and heating add up to more than fifty dollars, not to mention the apartments in this area are usually ridiculously expensive. The income of my parents is only enough to support my monthly living expenses of $250. Leaving VV, I can only share an apartment with someone in a medium-sized residential area. The supply of gas and heating in those places will be stopped from time to time because residents always delay payment. In Ukraine in winter, such problems can cause fatal trouble.

  In order to compensate, I consciously took up the job of cleaning the apartment and rushed back to make dinner every day after class. But most of the time I finished the meal alone and slept dimly before I could hear the sound of her bathing.

  "Hi, do you think it looks good?" Peng Weiwei stood before me like a flower before going out. The gray-green coat, shoulder buckle loops, and a playful boat-shaped hat buckled diagonally on the top of the head, quite the flavor of Soviet female soldiers during World War II.

  "It looks good." I put down the Russian book in my hand, absent-mindedly perfunctory.

  She smiled and asked: "Does it look like a local?"

  "Not at all. You look like a standard Chinese doll, what kind of a local?" I curled my lips, and suddenly I thought of someone, "Weiwei, Did you hook up that little bee? "

  Little bee is the handsome policeman I met at the police station. We mentioned him behind the back, talking and talking, the honey of Winnie the Pooh became a little bee.

  "What's the matter, you fell in love with him too?" Peng Weiwei smiled narrowly. "Is it because I let you or my sister got on him?"

  " Fuck you!" I spit at her, "The dog can't spit it out." Ivory."

  Weiwei laughed, brought up his fragrant cheek, and slurped loudly on my face, "Don't worry my dear, you see him first, he is yours, so I won't be digging the wall. "

  I chased her and kicked her, she was already blowing out the door in a gust of wind.

  A few car horns sounded outside the window, and I poked my head out curiously and saw a striking BMW Six Series parked on the side of the road. Those two famous shark-eye car lights made me familiar. I was about to take a closer look but found a man in a black leather coat leaning against the car door smoking. A little bit of redness and half-brightness, he suddenly raised his face, scared that I immediately retracted.

  The roar of the engine downstairs gradually faded away. I packed up the clutter for the next day's class, took a shower, and went to bed.

  Was awakened in the middle of the night, there seemed to be a faint murmur coming from the other bedroom, mixed with a chuckling like Vivi's silver bell, but disappeared after listening carefully. I turned over and fell asleep again. When he got up the next day, only Weiwei was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee, his expression was not unusual.

  "Did you have a good time last night?" I asked her casually while making breakfast.

  "Huh?" Weiwei raised his head with a suspicious blush on his face. Obviously he was just outside the sky, and he didn't hear what I said.

  "I said, did you have a good time last night?"

  "Just like that, what's so good?" She stretched her waist, feeling a little distracted.

  I looked at her suspiciously and said nothing more, suspecting that the movement I heard last night might be my dream.

  Six days later, Peng Weiwei threw the passport back to me.

  I rushed over and saw the new visa as if I had survived a disaster, I was simply grateful, "How much does it cost?"

  "One hundred dollars." (Knife: black words, referring to US dollars)

  I froze for a moment. The price is relative to this case. , Too cheap.

  "Is this not suitable?" I asked hesitantly.

  "My friend said that it was originally intended to be free, but this precedent cannot be set, so I only charge a little, which is decent."

  I immediately understood, and reached out and scratched her face to make fun. "This friend is quite interesting. Isn't it your pink corps?"

  "Zhao Mei," she didn't answer me, but stared at me carefully, "So you are really good-looking."

  "What do you want to do?"

  "It's okay." Weiwei stabbed me in the waist, "Get up, pack up, and come with me to meet someone."

  "What?" I jumped up and shouted, "Peng Weiwei, you actually sell your friends to beg you! " "

  small for gestational age! "she called me over to hit the pillow," I had to sell, leaving you today? others work for you, you always want to say thank you, right? "

  I'll have to pay for homework yet it was done, but she couldn't help her frustration, so she changed her clothes and followed her out.

  The place we went to was the famous Odessa Hotel near the harbor. The curtains in the restaurant are low, the temperature is cool, and there is a gorgeous and extravagant atmosphere everywhere, and the bleak voice of the cello flows on the walls, making the impetuous mood immediately quiet.

  The waiter in a tuxedo took Peng Weiwei and I around several dining tables approached the French window behind the porch and made a "please" gesture to us. Outside the long window was the blue ocean, and under the window sat a middle-aged man with a bald forehead. He immediately stood up when he saw us.

  Peng Weiwei froze, and withdrew his hand from my arm, his voice was filled with surprise, "Old Qian? Just you? Where's Jia Yu?"

  The middle-aged man called Old Qian was in vain. A plump round face, extremely compact facial features, at first glance, it is almost like a bread.

  He smiled and opened the chair for Vivi personally. When she was seated, he put his hand on her shoulder and rubbed his hands on her shoulders and said: "Vivi, you can't throw the matchmaker over the wall as soon as you enter the bridal chamber!"

  Vivi One He knocked off his hand and almost glared at me: "You fucking take advantage of me!"

  Old Qian smiled, not seeming to think that he was wrong, and sat down in disbelief, his eyes turned to my face, "This is ...?"

  "My classmate." Peng Weiwei replied stiffly, seemingly reluctant to talk to him.

  I had to smile at him and introduce myself: "My name is Zhao Mei. Thank you so much for visa matters this time."

  On the side, Weiwei raised his eyebrows and looked at me with a strange expression. I did not react, what she meant, still down went on: "After more than you also take care of."

  Old Qian smiling replied: "Oh, say, say, VV classmates Well ..."

  "Well old Qian, don't see a beautiful one and just move forward." Weiwei interrupted him, squeezing his mouth in disdain, "The visa is not on Sun Jiayu's face, do you have that ability?"

  I'm here. Only then did I realize that Feng Jing was mistaken for Ma Liang and made an oolong. Although a little embarrassed, he couldn't help but laugh. Two groups of very pale red flashed across Old Qian's face. He couldn't help it anymore, and he shook his head again and again, "Vive, your mouth..."

  I was also embarrassed by him. I felt that Vive was a bit too much, so I winked at her frequently... Weiwei didn't look at me at all. He turned his head and looked out the window, his face was very ugly as if he was angry with someone. After a while, she asked the old Qian: "Where did Sun Jiayu go? He dared to let me dove out!"

  "There was a problem with customs clearance. Xiao Sun is still in the port. He can't come back this evening... " "

  "Oh, in Odessa Sun Jia and his encounter clash wherever he goes? When do I fool, fool me also to find a decent reason, they are not what the little girl to wrap it?"

  "Look You, tell the truth, you never believed it." Old Qian replied slowly, "I won't lie to you, my grandson is really at the port right now."

  "What's the matter with him? Offended someone?"

  "Don't do it." What happened to Xiaosun was that the internal affairs of the customs were not set up evenly, and the uneven distribution of the spoils caused internal strife. Now the city gate is on fire and the pond fish is inflicted." The

  The first time I entered a restaurant of this level, I was extremely cramped, and I almost didn't know how to place my hands and feet to be considered appropriate. Just before I sat down, I habitually took off my overcoat by myself. The waiter had already stretched out his arms behind me and waited. There was a soft "Ms.". He was nothing, but my face was flushed. I realized that this situation was falling. In the eyes of others, it must be ridiculously clumsy.

  Peng Weiwei and Lao Qian's conversation, I seem to understand, I feel a little bit breathless and depressed, thinking of the blank workbook on the table at home, I regret coming here.

  During the breakup, the old money handed Peng Weiwei a box, "This is the new Nokia you want, just brought it from China, and Xiaosun asked me to give it to you."

  She glanced casually and took it in her hand without any attention. Sincerely said: "Thank him for me."

  Weiwei really didn't take it seriously. I know that there are at least three old mobile phones at home, plus the Motorola in my hand, which she got tired of playing.

  On the way back, Peng Weiwei had a gloomy face and kept dialing the phone without saying a word. The voice from the speaker was always the dull female voice. I don't understand Ukrainian, but I can guess that it must be something like "The user you dialed is turned off."

  The next day and all day long, Peng Weiwei's temper was moody and irritating. I cautiously avoided her, trying my best to avoid becoming the fuse of the gun. Until the afternoon, she answered a phone call, she was still very stern at first, she didn't know what to say there, she laughed out loud, her face finally turned from cloudy to clear, and her voice suddenly became brighter.

  For dinner, I made fried rice with eggs and cabbage soup with ham. Weiwei seemed to have forgotten her weight loss plan and ate a lot, feeling relieved.

  After eating, her conscience discovered that she was holding my finger with regret, "The hand of the future pianist, ruining it in the kitchen, is really a violent thing, sin, and sin..." I held my cheek and looked at her and smiled at the man named Sun. The people in Jiayu are full of curiosity. Peng Weiwei still maintains his status as a named student at the moment. He is a celebrity in the academy. The ministers under the skirt must be counted by playing. I have also had the honor to witness several farce of infatuated lords and girls. If Peng Weiwei, who is famous for his coolness, can be worried, how high does this person have to be?

  After dinner, phone calls kept coming in to look for her, so I had to act as an operator temporarily. She groaned and gestured, and I hummed at the other end of the phone, "Vivi, where did she go? I don't know..." The ringing of the phone gradually disappeared after nine o'clock. I went back to my room to review my homework, Weiwei followed up, poured a glass of vodka, and sat beside me, without speaking for a long time. She had just come out of the bathroom, with long wet black hair that was draped around her waist, and there was a rare childishness on her untouched face.

  I waited for a long time without seeing her speaking, and couldn't help being surprised, "Weiwei, what do you want to say?" "My dear," she finally said, "Someday I can't play it, remember to bring my ashes back to China."

  "Vivi!" I was overwhelmed with shock, looking at her speechlessly. "Are you scared?" She drank the remaining wine in the glass, and the two dimples on her cheeks were looming, and she returned to her brilliant smile, "Zhao Mei, you are so fucking pure, so pure. People are jealous." There is still a blank sheet of feelings like this. She has always laughed at this point, saying that I lived for 22 years in vain.

  I was a little bit depressed, lowered my head and muttered, "Can this be blamed on me? The person I like has never appeared."

  "Little white flower," Weiwei put down the glass, "What is your sweetheart like? Tell me what he's like. I'll help you look forward to it. "

  I threw open the book, side head then said, "First of all, he wants a handsome man... ah, then he has to have an outstanding IQ which is over one hundred and twenty."

  "Ah, what else?" Weiwei bit his lip and smiled.

  "Oh, he wants to be infatuated and single-minded. He only loves me when he is weak. The whole world is not important to me..."

  "Oh..." Weiwei burst into laughter immediately.

  "There's more," I added one more seriously. "He also has a sexy voice full of magnetism, and he can say 'I love you' in fifteen different languages." Weiwei beat the table and laughed almost impossible. I said, "It's really cold...It's disgusting..."

  I quit, pulling at her sleeve and asked: "Peng Weiwei, I'm all hearted, what about you? What kind of person do you want to find?"

  "Me?" She gradually put away her smile, lowered her head, and fiddled with a ring on her middle finger, silent.

  It is a three-pigment ring. Since I came to Ukraine, she has been wearing it inseparably. Weiwei said that it is the latest model of Cartier this spring. I haven't studied these. I just feel that there is nothing special about being bare, and I can't figure out why it is so expensive.

  "This..." I pointed to her ring and asked carefully, "Will it be your..."

  "He? Who knows?" Vivi put his finger in front of his eyes and looked at the rose gold and the soft light of platinum intertwined, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and the smile was a little sarcasm, "I have nothing to ask of him, as long as he treats me sincerely, don't lie to me at any time."

  I thought of her ex-boyfriend, feeling ashamed, and insincere. He casually comforted her: "You look so beautiful, who would be willing to lie to you?"

  "Huh!" She sneered, "You don't understand, it has nothing to do with being pretty or not, it's only related to luck. There is nothing good for men, every day. I'm thinking about one thing."

  "What's the matter?"

  She stretched her voice: "Do-love- ." I was immediately petrified.

  Weiwei pushed the door and went out, leaving me facing the table full of Russian textbooks, and I couldn't read a word again.

  Time flies quickly, and it's the end of October in a blink of an eye.

  On the afternoon of Halloween, Peng Weiwei brought back two sets of female vampire clothes. In addition to the black Victorian cloak, they also had enough fake fangs.

  I put two sharp fangs on my teeth, looked at the tip of Bai Sensen in the mirror, and couldn't help laughing.

  Peng Weiwei dyed her long, jet-black hair golden, and used large curls to make complicated waves. "Interview with the Vampire" used to be our favorite. She loves Brad Pitt and I am obsessed with Tom Cruise. This look, at a glance, I know that it is the little girl Crodia who has a crush on Louis and will never grow up.

  "Where is your Louis? Will he come to pick you up?" I carried a hairdryer to help her take a look.

  The hand that she was drawing her eyeliner stopped, her expression suddenly became complicated, and she was still smiling, "Do you remember how Crodia died? Vampires are invisible, once exposed to the sun, He can only turn the dust into the dust. So Crodia can never have true feelings."

  "Oh, oh, I'm so sore, you're old enough to admit that sensational is second, and Grandma Qiong doesn't dare to recognize the first." I muttered while laughing, "I also know that there is a kind of sentiment in Southwest Miao Village. You can't be emotional on it for a lifetime. Would you like to try it?"

  "Whose joke is this? Wesley?" She raised her head blankly, with a hint of gloom in her beautiful eyes, "Love? Is there such a thing?"

  I closed. No longer talking, the fool could see that there must be something wrong between them. In the room, only the whistling of the hairdryer echoed hollowly.

  When she was about to set off, she changed her clothes and made up neatly. A beautiful face was painted white, powder blue eyelids, bright red lips, and the corner of her right eye was drawn with a heart-shaped blue eyeliner. Her tears are not weird, only a rich and gorgeous.

  I sincerely praised: "It's so beautiful!"

  She grabbed me and asked, "Why don't you put on makeup?"

  I opened my hands and replied helplessly, "Look at my clothes, except for jeans or jeans. Don't go out ashamed."

  Weiwei lifted a white sheet from the bed and put it on me, and said with a smile: "Then you can play Sadako."

  I was so scared that I took two steps backward, "Don't go, I have a psychological barrier to Sadako." Furious Bell, I dared not watch TV for more than a month, I was always afraid of watching something crawl out of the TV.

  Finally, I changed into Vivi's lace shirt and velvet trousers and went out with her without a face, and temporarily bought a mask on the side of the road.

  The Halloween party was held in a seaside villa. This evening gathered most of the local Chinese business elites, as well as countless gold-digging women of different races but equally ambiguous.

  There were at least a dozen vampires in black cloaks at the ball and ten or eight Sadako in white. Weiwei was frustrated because the idea of attracting attention completely failed.

  In the second half of the night, people went crazy, and there was an atmosphere of a doomsday carnival everywhere. Vivis took off his cloak, and a short red velvet skirt made the limelight. She was dancing with excitement. The dancing partners around her changed one after another. The sweat and powder retreated, but her skin became more and more crystal clear, and the blue teardrop seemed to be shaky.

  Maybe it's because I drank too much red wine or the mask was worn for a long time. I felt dizzy and chest tight. I slipped out of the living room quietly and walked along the corridor. I found a study room at the end with the door ajar, and the inside was dark and shiny. With a dim wall lamp.

  I stretched my head to see if there was no one, so I tiptoed in, trying to sit on a chair to catch my breath, and turned my head, but I saw a piano by accident, and the "Blüthner" logo on the piano was eye-catching. This is "Brytner", a piano brand praised by many pianists. I have seen it countless times, but I have never personally touched its keys.

  This temptation was too great for me. I hesitated for a long time, finally stepped forward to lift the piano cover, tried the sound, and slowly played a familiar melody, "Tonight I celebrate my love for you, It seems the natural thing to do, Tonight no one's gonna find us, We'll leave the world behind us..." I always like this song. The song, I hummed, "Tonight our spirits will be climbing, To a sky filled up with diamonds, When I make love to you, tonight I celebrate my love for you..."

  There was a voice in the dark with a light smile and asked: "WhenImakelovetoyou, who is the lucky person?"

  I was shocked, and my heart seemed to miss a beat. The sound of the piano flickered. I recognize this voice. It was this voice that appeared time and time again in my dreams, bringing me away from the bloody nightmare.

  "Who are you?" I heard my voice trembling slightly.

  The lighter in the shadows lit up, and someone sat up from the sofa, "Tell you your name, how long can you remember?" He took a deep breath, "This song is really old, I haven't heard it in many years. The first time I heard it. When it came, it was ten years ago, and I was so moved..." I couldn't see his face clearly, and I sat stupidly listening to him, and I felt a strange feeling in my heart, like being hypnotized.

  He walked over and leaned over to me. The breath of each other was close by, it was a mixture of tanned leather and tobacco, which was charming. His fingers slid across the keys, and there was a messy ding-dong sound.

  "Baby, do it again," he said.

  I sit still.

  "Who are you?" He also asked me in a low voice, his palms lightly covering the backs of my hands, warm breath pounced on the most sensitive areas behind my ears, mixed with a faint smell of alcohol, spreading like trembling ripples, My whole body is soft.

  There was a sudden indistinct click in my ear, the top light was bright, and after a moment of dizziness, I was stunned. The two faces are only 30 centimeters apart, and the face on the opposite side clearly looks like a ghost in the day. I believe that my expression is hard to see.

  This close look at each other was once performed on the seaside boulevard ten days ago. The man in front of him is the Chinese man with the gorgeous girl in the sports car.

  I turned my eyes, Peng Weiwei was standing at the door, still pressing his finger on the switch, his mouth opened into an O shape.

  The man straightened up and smiled at me, "It turned out to be you."

  I looked at Weiwei, she stopped at the door, her big eyes narrowed, and she sneered again and again, "Sun Jiayu, is your appetite better? I am not afraid of meat and vegetables, and I am not afraid of eating too much to die."

  Hey, Sun, Jia, Yu! All the memory fragments were put together in one place, and I lowered my head as if I had knocked over a five-flavored bottle, mixed with ups and downs.

  The world is really small.