The Truth Part 2

Chapter 5

Natsumi was surprised by how normal the reason was. Though she was still kind of mad at her friend for almost following her and hearing something that she didn't want to anybody know. She replies to her like this :"So that's why!" She continues her reply to her with a smile like this :"Don't ever follow me or my bodyguard will beat you up"

Kona very well know what happens to the people who dare to defy or make her angry as if she is a living tyrant. She feels fear because of that. Though it's not as harsh it's sound. They just gets sent into the hospital with a broken limb or hand. Kona replies to her like this:"That's was also one of the reasons that I didn't follow you."

Natsumi didn't asks her anything about how much did she heard. She replies to her friend like this :"What are you waiting for let's go to the karaoke."

Kona replies to her affirmatively like this :"Let's go."

Kona and Natsumi starts walking towards the closest karaoke there is. They enters the karaoke center after finding it. They sings some songs in the karaoke. After they both sings for about forty minutes in the karaoke. Kona finishes the ten song she was singing.

Kona asks her like this :"So what did that boy asked you?"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"What he asked me, you say? He ass just saying some random nonsense."

Kona gets curious about what kind of nonsense that guy was talking about. She asks her like this :"What nonsense?"

Natsumi didn't try to hide it anymore since she already saw half of it anyway. She replies to her friend like this :"He was telling me that I am going to die today"

Kona gets emotional hearing that. She asks her with her (Kona) full of tears like this :"Are you going to die?"

Natsumi realized that she misunderstood her. She replies to her friend like this :"Like hell. That's happening."

Kona asks her like this :"Don't tell me, that because he didn't accept your proposal that's why you are gonna suicide, aren't I right??!!"

Kona's didn't actually entirely hear what they were saying. So she fully didn't know what they are talking about. Kona was surprised by what her friend just said. She didn't like just what she (Kona) said. This what Kona speculated about what they were talking

/Kona's version of there conversation.

Natsumi replies to him with eyes full of tears like this :"Blonde! Don't leave me! I really love you. If you leave me I am gonna die"

That strange guy replies to her with sad face like this :"I am sorry Natsumi. But it can't be you."

Natsumi asks that strange guy with eyes full of tears like this :"Why not me? Don't I have the look or the money or the knowledge? What is it that I don't have to find your love???"

That strange guy replies to her like this :"It's not like you lack something but.."

Natsumi asks him like this :"But what??"

That strange guy replies to her like this :"I want to marry a poor woman."

Natsumi falls down on the ground. She replies to him like this :"No. It can't be. I can never become poor because all of my money and fame. If I can't marry you.... If I can't be with you then I shall rather die." She runs off on the direction of the station.

That strange guy forward his towards her direction and yell at her like this :"Wait!!!" But she didn't wait she just run


That's the finish of the story of Kona's version

Kona asks her like this :"It went like this. Aren't I right?"

Natsumi yells at her like this :"Like I will fall for a blonde stranger after just meeting him for the first time!! Who would fall for a stranger for the first time they saw and marry them afterwards?!!!"

Kona feels depressed hearing what she thought was wrong. She downcast her eyes. She replies to her with depressed voice like this :"I just thought you and him would be a great couple." She looks at her (Natsumi) dazzling eyes and continues her reply to her (Natsumi) like this :"A blonde boy and a scarlet girl falling for each other. It would have been a masterpiece of all romance manga."

Natsumi did forgot that there was some manga like that. She also reads manga like Kona. She replies to her friend like this :"Oh! There are some manga like that though"

Kona brings her face close to her. She asks her (Natsumi) with dazzling eyes like this :"Are there some manga like that?"

Natsumi gets a step behind and replies to her friend like this :"Yes, there are some. By the way you are really close to my face."

Kona apologize to her like this :"Sorry. I didn't notice." Afterwards she sat on the side of the sofa she was sitting.

She thought to herself (Natsumi) [Her face was too close. We almost kissed. Girl kissing other girl. Just thinking about it is disgusting.]

Kona asks her like this :"Tell me more about that boy."

Natsumi gets a bit irritated hearing that from her but she told her everything about what she and that strange guy talked about.

Natsumi replies to her like this :"That was everything we talked about."

Kona gets disappointed. She responds with disappointed voice like this :"Boo! That's boring."

Natsumi apologize to her like this :"Sorry for the boring conversation"

Kona asks her like this :"Didn't you say that he was going to fulfill your wishes?"

Natsumi response to her affirmatively like this :"Yes he did said that."

Kona asks her like this ;"Then if you see him again let me know about it first."

Natsumi replies to her like this :"I will tell him if I ever see him again."

Kona asks her like this :"What was his name."

Natsumi replies to her like this :"I don't know"

Kona was surprised and disappointed on her (Natsumi). She asks her about that like this :"Didn't you ask him even though you guys were talking about some serious things like death?!!"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"I asked him but he didn't tell me his name."

Kona's phone rings on her bag. It was a message. She saw the message.

Kona stands up. She said this to her (Natsumi) like this :"There is something I have to do so I have to go."

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Ok."

Natsumi was kind of curious about what happened. But she thought to herself that she would ask about after she came back. Kona leaves the room after taking her phone with her.She gets bored after waiting for sometime.

She thought to herself [I am getting bored. I should sing a song in the meantime.]

She chose a song. Five minutes later Natsumi finishes singing the song she chooses. Kona gets in the room from the outside.

Kona apologize to her like this :"Sorry, I have something to do."

Natsumi asks the question she thought to ask to her (Kona) like this :"Why? Did something urgent came up?"

Kona answers her questions like this :"I have to go to my boyfriend. He said that he is waiting for me at the cafe."

Natsumi was totally disappointed after she heard that. She thought to herself with disappointed look on er face [Isn't that just a normal date. How is it something urgent?]

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Okay go to your boyfriend. While I go back to my part time job."

Kona replies to her like this :"When I told him about what happened to you my boyfriend told me about a rumor."

Natsumi ask her like this :"What rumor?"

Kona sits down on the sofa. She answers her (Natsumi) question like this :""My boyfriend told me that he heard one of his friends said that a stranger said to a people that he is going to die by a car incident the next day. That guy didn't believe in that stranger so he didn't give him a heed. He left the stranger with some money thinking that he is a mad person. But in the very next day…"

Natsumi gulps. She asks her friend like this :"What happened in the next day??"

Kona replies to her with a scary voice like this "The next day he died in a car incident" Natsumi gets scared. She was trembling. Kona saw that and asks her with a smile on her (Kona) face like this :"Did you get scared?"

Natsumi replies to her while trembling like this :"Like I will get scared by a rumor."

Kona replies to her like this :"You can't fool me. I know very well that you are not good with horror thing."

Natsumi yells at her like this :"Then why did you tell me that!!"

Kona apologize to her like this :"Sorry I won't do it again." She continues her reply to her (Kona) like this :"But it is like Your Story That You Told Me Right Now"

Natsumi asks her like this :"Is it a real story ?"

Kona replies to her questions like this :"I don't know the details but I personally think that it's fake."

Natsumi replies to her while shaking like this :"Of course it is. It's just a rumor. It must be a like other rumors. Rumors are rumor."

Kona looks at her and replies to her like this :"Don't die"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"I am not dying just because he said that!!"

Kona asks her like this :"What about your study?"

Natsumi thought to herself after hearing that from her [Before leaving you ask questions about study . It's the first thing you should have asked me.]

Kona continues her reply to her (Natsumi) like this :"I guess you will pass the exam even without studying"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"I am Also a Human. I am not all knowing. I need to study. Even you know that."

Kona asks her like this :"Either way you will pass, right?"

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Yes, I guess."

Kona sits up and said this to her like this :"Then I am going." She tooks her bag and leaves.

Natsumi replies to her like this :"Wait. I am also leaving. I have my part time job too. " She also takes her bag and leaves.

She goes running searching for her friend. She found her after running for a while. They went together at the train station. She leaves Kona at the next station by going through the train. Before leaving the train.

Kona bid her farewell like this :"Goodbye"

Natsumi also bid her farewell to her like this :"Take Care . Goodbye"

Natsumi leaves the train. As she started to walk towards her part time job's place. She Look At Her Hand Watch. She was 20 minutes more late than she thought to be.

She thought to herself while running [I am 20 minutes late. Though I am already late more than a hour.]

Five Hours And 10 Minute Before She Dies