Her wishes

Chapter 9

While it was nighttime in the city of Tokyo it was still morning in the city of Paris. There is eight hours difference from the city of Paris. Tokyo is eight hours ahead of Paris. They could feel the warmth of the sun. The warmth sun's light with the beautiful scenery of Eiffel tower and the nature of the city of Paris made the atmosphere better than normal. Birds were chirping in the trees. Ban and Natsumi was standing there in that beautiful atmosphere. Natsumi while looking at that scenery.

Ban asks her from behind her like this :"Do you want stay here or do you fulfill your other wishes next?"

Natsumi replies to him while looking at the beautiful scenery of :"I think I want to stay here for a little bit of time"

Ban asks her like this :"Well then. Can I go over there for a little bit?"

Natsumi asks him about that like this :"Where?"

Ban points at one of the electronics shop in the city of Paris with his right hand's index finger. He replies to her like this :"There"

Natsumi replies to him like this :"You can go other there. You are not a child to take my permission. You can go anywhere you want without asking me."

Ban apologize to her for asking that like this :"I am sorry for that." He continues his reply to her like this :"I am going refrain asking from you in the future"

Afterwards Ban left that place and went to that electronic store that he wanted to go. In that time Natsumi was seeing the beauty of Paris and start walking close to the Eiffel tower, towards the Eiffel tower. While walking without her notice she bends into the crowds of people. After walking sometime she saw her surrounding and finds out that she is lost. She starts to panic.

Natsumi thought to herself [I am lost. What shall I do? I don't know anything about how to go back from Paris. Also where is he? Why is he so late? Did he abandoned me cause I am being selfish. Did he really leave me]

While she was panicking and feeling uneasy someone behind her grabs her shoulder. She gets surprised. She also gets scared.

Natsumi yells like this :"AH!!"

It was Ban who grabs her shoulder. Ban startles by her reaction. He asks her like this :"It's me. Why are so surprised?"

Natsumi calmed down and saying :"It's only you. Thank goodness."

Ban asks her like this :"Why did you move from there?'' he continues his reply to her like this :"I thought I lost you and I also thought that I had to use my power in front of everyone just to find you."

Natsumi stops walking. She feels a bit of sad and apologize to him for doing that like this :"I am sorry." She continues her reply to him like this :"I didn't know that I moved. Before I knew it I was captured by the beauty of the city of Paris and start moving forward."

Ban feels kind of weird from her apologize. He replies to her like this :"It's ok. You didn't have to apologize for that. It was my fault for leaving you. If there weren't so many people around talking band walking here everyone would have been looking at us being weird because you were yelling a moment ago."

Natsumi replies to him like this :"It wasn't your fault for going there. It was my fault for not stopping you." She continues her reply to him by asking this :"By the way why did you go to the electronic store? I thought you might never came back."

Ban replies to her like this :"Stupid!!!"

Natsumi gets angry and she asks him like this :"Who are you calling stupid?!"

Ban replies to her with a smile on his face like this :"I am not that kind of person who will leave his job for such a childish reason. I just bought a camera from there."

Natsumi feels relived after hearing that. She asks him like this :"Why did you brought a camera?" She continues her reply to him like this :"I am going to die a few hours later." She asks him like this :"What could I do with a camera?"

Ban replies to her question like this :"Even if you die you could have some pictures of the places you visited and keep it to see it once again before you die."

Natsumi replies to him like this :"I didn't thought of it like this. Then let's take some pictures. Can you take some pictures of me holding the Eiffel tower"

Ban agrees with her but also asks her how she will do it like this :"Ok. But how?"

Afterwards she goes in front of the Eiffel tower and puts in a direction as if she is holding the Eiffel tower. Ban realizes that's the way she will do it. He take some pictures of her holding the tower. They also went to the cafes there and she eat some of there regular food and took some pictures there. Pictures of them eating there food. After they leaves the cafe they also take some pictures of the local normal crowds. They starts to walk again. They starts talking as are walking.

Ban asks her about her next wish since it has been sometime since she came in here like this :"Do you want to go anywhere else?"

Natsumi replies to him like this :"Of course I want to go to some other place." She continues her reply to him by asking like this :"But first answer me how did you find money to buy the camera?"

Ban replies to her like this :"I can not only summon portals but also create money, money's check. That's how I have it."

Natsumi gets curious about how much money he have now. She stops walking. She looks at him with curious eyes. She asks him with curious eyes like this :"How much money do you have now?"

Ban replies to her like this without giving it a single thought :''About a million British pounds."

Natsumi remembers that her mother told her sometimes ago right after he said this to her. She said this to him :"I remembered something."

Ban gets curious about that. He stops walking. He looks at her and he also asks her like this :"What did you remember?"

Natsumi replies to him about what she remembered like this :"I don't think I have told you about this yet but I think you already knew that my mother is businesswoman. She always used to say "when you have the power or the money to obtain everything just use that power to take everything you can". "

Ban didn't understands what it have in common with her situation. Her situation of dying in the next few hours. So he asks her like this :"So what does that have any connections with that you are going to die?"

Natsumi realizes that he actually thought that it will be related to her wish. Though it really didn't have any connections with her situation but because of that she thought of a idea to make fun of him. To make him a bit scared. She replies to him like this :"It just mean that. I am gonna a work you to the very end until I have completed all your wish. After all it's your job to fulfill my wish." She continues her reply to him by asking this from him with a evil face like this :"Aren't I, right?"

Ban still didn't realizes that she is trying to make fun of him. To make him a bit scared towards. He really believed in what she said as if she really meant that. He asks her to refrain him from doing anything hard for him like this :"Take it easy on me"

Natsumi feels bad for trying to make fun of him. Though she didn't let him know that she was trying to make fun of him by her replying to him like this :"Since you are groveling to me to go easy on you I am going to go easy you by asking for easier wish."

Ban feels a bit disrespected by her reply. He thought to himself [I didn't grovel though]

Natsumi well knew that she have only some hours left before she will die. They have been staying in the city of Paris for sometimes now. She well Knew that they don't have infinite times to stay in here. She almost saw everything that is special about this city, about this country, nature and all historical monuments there is in this city of Paris. She already thought of a new place she wants to go next what her next wish would be while walking.

She asks for her next wish from him like this :"My next wish is that I want to go to Egypt."

Ban accepts her wish. That he will fulfill her wish. He replies to her to show her to make her realizes that he agrees to her like this :"Of course, you will get there. Follow me since there is so many people around it will be a hassle if opens a portal in here."

After he heard that and said this to her he starts walking towards a place with no people around there and a place where nobody could see him making a portal. So he starts walking towards a deserted place. Natsumi starts following him after he starts walking. They enters a place. That place was a bit older building than the rest of them and a abandoned building on top of that. He makes a portal inside of that house. Though this time around he didn't use any magic enchantment or any type of magical power to create it. He just forwarded his hand a portal appears. Natsumi didn't care about if he uses magic or not. She enters the portal without a single thought. He also enters the portal afterwards right after she enters it. After both of them enters the portal's gate disappear. They went to Egypt. They were teleported in front of the Giza's pyramids. Natsumi saw the great Giza's pyramids. She was very happy seeing that. They saw a people cooking out on distance. He was cooking something. They got up close there. He was selling some local food in there. They bought some of the local foods. Of course Ban was the person who gives the money. They starts walking. While walking Ban told her about the history of the pharaohs of the Egypt. She ate it while walking and listening to him. That local food is called shawarma. She really found it delicious.

Natsumi didn't know how to pronounce it. So her pronunciation of that wasn't really good. She compliments shawarma for how good it is to Ban while walking like this :"This shawa..rrawa...ma thing was very delicious."

Ban helps her by saying the right pronunciation of it by telling the right pronunciation to her like this :"It's called shawarma."

Natsumi knew that she wouldn't be able to say the right pronunciation the very next time. She already of another wish to asks from him. She replies to him by asking him her next wish like this :"I wanna go to Dubai next. Then jump from the most tallest building in the world." She forgot the name of the most tallest building in the world when she was about to say that. She asks about that from him like this :"What it's called again?"

The tower she was talking was talking about wasn't the world most tallest tower. Ban well knew that. Ban replies to her question like this :"It's called Burj Khalifa." He continues his reply to her by telling her mistakes she told him while asking like this :"It isn't the world most tallest tower. The world tallest towers is in make in process. But you are gonna die if you fall from the tower."

Natsumi understands why he is feeling unsure about that. So she replies to him to make him know how she will do it like this :"That's easy. You are gonna make a portal at the very bottom of it and I will jump in it."

Ban didn't thought greatly of her plan. It wasn't that great plan and it had some flaws. So he replies to her with a uncomfortable face like this :"Ok"

Natsumi gets a bit angry from his reaction to her. She asks him with angry voice like this :"What's wrong? Do you think I can't do this?!!!!"

Ban replies to her affirmatively like this :"Yes"

Natsumi replies to him like this :"It's ok. I can do it."

Afterward Ban opens the portal like before without any magic enchantments. They both enters and he makes her situated in the very top of Burj khalifa and she jumped. He also make a portal at the very bottom to don't make her falling out from the portal bumping her head and dying. She jumps from there. She successfully jumps into the a portal he made it. Many people were seeing it. They thought at that first that she is having a suicidal jump but right after she banish by jumping on the portal they thought that they were seeing hallucinations. The portal at the very bottom of it teleport her into a sofa. Though she felt pains when jumping of the tower with nothing on her other than the dress she was wearing.

Natsumi said this to him :"It hurts."

Ban kind of gets irritated by seeing that she isn't showing any gratefulness. So he replies to her with a bit irritated voice like this :"At least you didn't die. Be grateful"

Natsumi replies to him by asking some more wishes from him like this :"Well then. I wanna go to the moon with spacecraft in five minutes. I also want to go eat in all of the best restaurant in the world and eat something from there. I wanna go to Saudi Arabia, America, London, Cathedral Castle, India, Siberia. I really wanna see the London bridge and London Bridge. Oh! I almost forgot. I also want to go to China."

Ban felt as if a building was falling into him by every wish and every places name she said to him. He asks her with a very dissatisfied voice like this :"All of that Places? Aren't you supposed to go easy on me??!!!"

Natsumi looks at him as if it is not a great deal of work and she replies to him like this :"Yes. I am going easy on you. If I didn't go easy on you, You should have making me transport me all over the planet. Aren't you supposed to make me die without regrets?"

Ban couldn't argue with her anymore. He gave up on arguing with her. He replies to her like this :"Ok. I am doing it"

Afterwards They went in all of that places by the portal he created. They took some pictures of all of those places. All money that was spend was given by Ban. She almost spends over a billion dollars in all of those places and eating and buying things in there. She also went to the world biggest plane, drives the world fastest car, visiting many holy place for many people, saw some bizarre creature that no humans saw, went inside the Bermuda triangle, saw some aliens. By visiting all of that place and staying there for several minutes there is only twenty minutes left.

Twenty minutes left before she will die